The sacred Bhagavad Gita conveys the essence that we, living beings, are fundamentally spirit souls. The very core of our life and consciousness emanates from the soul. Within this world, living beings find themselves ensnared within material bodies. The denizens of this realm endure the inevitable cycles of birth, illness, aging, and demise. While the physical form is transient, the soul remains immortal. Unborn and undying, the soul seamlessly migrates from one vessel to another upon death. This doctrine of rebirth asserts that when an individual’s biological life concludes (through death), the ethereal core of the soul embarks on a profound odyssey, commencing a fresh existence within a distinct corporeal casing. This casing can manifest as a human, resonating with intellect and emotion; an animal, endowed with instinctual prowess; or even a spiritual entity, transcending the confines of the physical realm. The selection of this embodiment is contingent upon the accrued Karma, the sum of one’s actions in the preceding life. This perpetual cycle of ceaseless birth and demise is termed as “Samsara.” In this article, we elaborate extensively on the potential destinations the soul might traverse subsequent to the body’s passing.
Category: Gaudiya Vaishnavism

Vegetarianism, referred to in Sanskrit as ‘shakahara’, has been a foundational aspect of health and environmental ethics deeply rooted in ancient Indian traditions for millennia. Throughout its history, India has predominantly upheld a vegetarian lifestyle, with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization ranking it as the world’s lowest meat consumer in 2007. Despite enduring numerous foreign influences and cultural impacts, it is believed that 20-39% of India’s population continues to sustain themselves on a vegetarian diet, underscoring the enduring commitment to this dietary practice. In the realm of spirituality, India has always embodied a profound connection to higher principles, where even an ordinary individual may exemplify the loftiest spiritual ideals in their everyday existence. The concept of ‘Hinduism’ or ‘Sanatana Dharma’, in its purest form, advocates for vegetarianism as a means to lead a life with minimal harm to fellow creatures. Partaking in meat, whether from animals, fish, birds, or eggs, indirectly involves us in acts of cruelty and violence against these beings, as proclaimed by the sages of Vedic India. They asserted that a peaceful and harmonious life cannot coexist with a meat-consuming lifestyle. The insatiable appetite for meat exacts a severe toll on the environment, leading to deforestation and the depletion of precious resources. How can those who partake in the consumption of others’ flesh truly embody compassion? In the eloquent words of Leo Tolstoy, “Eating meat is simply an unconscious continuation of centuries-old habits.”
Ekadashi, also known as Haribasara, is the eleventh day of the moon cycle, occurring both from the Purnima (full moon) and the Amavasya (new moon). It holds significant importance as the day dedicated to Lord Hari and is widely celebrated as an auspicious occasion suitable for fasting. This observance is not restricted to any specific group and is recommended for people of all ages, from eight to eighty, according to scriptures. The primary objective of observing Ekadashi is to completely please Lord Hari with all one’s senses. In essence, individuals should strive to satisfy both Lord Hari and His devotees. The term “upavasa” or fasting signifies living nearby, and on the day of Ekadashi, one should distance oneself from all forms of sinful activities, forsake household chores, and sensual indulgence to be close to the divine presence of the Lord.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the illustrious founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, graced the world with His divine presence in the year 1486 AD. His blessed birth took place in the sacred town of Mayapur, nestled in the heart of West Bengal, India. He was lovingly born to Jagannath Misra and Saci Devi, hailing from the beautiful region of Sylhet, which is now part of Bangladesh. Numerous sacred Vedic scriptures resoundingly affirm that Sri Chaitanya was none other than the revered Lord Krishna Himself, who descended to Earth to illuminate the path of Bhakti, the profound and pure expression of loving devotion, to humanity. His divine mission was to enrich the spiritual landscape and shower boundless grace upon all souls, inviting them to embrace the sublime essence of love and devotion towards the Supreme. Through His teachings and exemplary life, He stirred the hearts of countless devotees, inspiring them to walk the path of divine love and devotion with unwavering faith and profound reverence. In this article, we are going to discuss the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in a nutshell.
Lord Vishnu, a central and revered figure in Hinduism, holds a significant position as one-third of the divine Trimurti, alongside Brahma and Shiva. His divine responsibility revolves around the crucial role of sustaining and preserving the universe. Adored by countless devotees, Vishnu stands as one of the primary deities in the vast pantheon of Hindu gods. Vaikuntha loka, the celestial abode of Vishnu, is a realm of sublime spiritual existence. Within its ethereal confines, he is known by the name Narayana. Descriptions of Vishnu from the sacred Srimad Bhagavatam paint an awe-inspiring picture of an extraordinary male form, captivatingly beautiful, adorned with resplendent, spiritual jewels, and adorned with four hands, each holding symbolic items—a club, a conch shell, a chakra (discus), and a lotus flower. As part of the Trimurti, Vishnu presides over sattva-guna, the quality of goodness, which embodies harmony, purity, and enlightenment. As the cosmic maintainer, he ensures the cosmic balance and upholds the order of the universe. His devotees worship him with profound devotion, recognizing his supreme status and benevolent influence.

Meditation, a time-honored practice that has endured through the centuries, has recently surged in popularity as individuals worldwide seek to enhance their mental well-being and achieve a state of inner peace. This ancient technique involves channeling one’s focus and thoughts to attain a deep sense of relaxation. From Hindu and Buddhist monks to prominent figures in contemporary society, meditation has captivated the hearts of millions. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the diverse array of meditation techniques, including the transformative Mantra Meditation, inspired by the profound teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. We will also delve into the myriad benefits that can be harnessed by incorporating meditation into your daily routine. As elucidated in the Bhagavad Gita, meditation possesses the remarkable ability to bestow enduring advantages upon our lives. By embracing this practice, we can effectively alleviate stress, gain a profound understanding of our emotional and physical discomforts, cultivate stronger interpersonal relationships, sharpen our concentration, and foster a deep sense of self-compassion. Let us embark on this enlightening meditation guide and discover the transformative power it holds for our overall well-being.

Yoga, contrary to popular opinion, does not refer to some impossible physical postures. The actual meaning of Yoga does not merely refer to bending, curving your body, or even holding your breath. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, meaning “to yoke,” or “to unite”. The practice aims to create a union between body, mind, and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. The yoga system was originally meant for realizing God, and all varieties of yoga practice are assumed to bring one to that point. On the other hand, the Bhagavad Gita, an integral part of the great Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, emerges as a significant episode within this timeless narrative, which unveils the history of the ancient world. Approximately 5000 years ago, during the momentous commencement of the legendary Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna imparted the profound wisdom of Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. Their profound conversation has since become renowned as one of humanity’s most revered philosophical and religious dialogues. This insightful discourse transcribed by Srila Vyasa deva, was intended for the betterment and enlightenment of all individuals. The Bhagavad gita provides profound perspectives on various aspects of existence such as life, love, yoga, spirituality, the soul, the mind, God, eternity, hope, and happiness.

The concept of the six love languages revolves around the idea that love can be expressed and received in various ways. It is important to recognize that not everyone communicates love in the same manner, and individuals may have their own preferences when it comes to giving and receiving love. While we may resonate with multiple love languages, each person typically has one or more that deeply resonates with them. It is essential to understand that when we mention “love,” it extends beyond romantic relationships and encompasses a broader spectrum of connections, such as friendships, sibling bonds, parent-child relationships, family ties, teacher-student interactions, and more. Thus, anyone who values love should nurture and cultivate these six expressions of love. These languages of love, as delineated centuries ago by the revered sage Rupa Goswami in his book Upadesamrta (Nectar of Instruction), have stood the test of time. Rupa Goswami has delved into the essence of love, offering guidance on how to cultivate and nurture loving exchanges. This ancient text serves as a beacon of wisdom, illuminating the path towards meaningful connections and profound expressions of affection.
dadati pratigrhnati guhyam akhyati prcchati
bhunkte bhojayate caiva sad-vidham priti-laksanam
The six exchanges of love encompass offering gifts, accepting gifts, revealing one’s mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting food, and offering food.
The Bhagavad Gita, an integral part of the great Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, emerges as a significant episode within this timeless narrative, which unveils the history of the ancient world. Approximately 5000 years ago, during the momentous commencement of the legendary Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna imparted the profound wisdom of Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. Their profound conversation has since become renowned as one of humanity’s most revered philosophical and religious dialogues. This insightful discourse transcribed by Srila Vyasa deva, was intended for the betterment and enlightenment of all individuals. The Bhagavad gita provides profound perspectives on various aspects of existence such as life, love, yoga, spirituality, the soul, the mind, God, eternity, hope, and happiness. Esteemed by numerous eminent intellectuals throughout history, this timeless text imparts invaluable wisdom capable of unlocking our dormant spiritual potential and igniting the divine essence within us, ultimately benefiting both ourselves and those around us.This article aims to provide a chapter-wise summary and distill the fundamental teachings encapsulated within the Bhagavad Gita.
The term “Enlightenment” has multiple meanings available on the internet, which may lead to confusion and misinterpretation. Some people believe that Enlightenment refers to the acquisition of spiritual knowledge, and it is the ultimate goal of religious practices and yoga. The story of Buddha, who attained Enlightenment while meditating under the Bodhi tree, exemplifies this concept. In contrast, others contend that Enlightenment represents a period in history where the emphasis was placed on science and reason, and less on religion and tradition. Ultimately, the notion of Enlightenment revolves around a state of understanding or realization. However, what constitutes an enlightening realization depends on an individual’s personal values and beliefs. The experience of discovering something that has long eluded our understanding or satiated our curiosity can result in a mental or intellectual awakening. However, we would prefer to reserve the term “enlightened” for individuals who have reached a state of spiritual enlightenment. This state of being represents a profound realization of the interconnectedness of all things and the transcendence of the self. It involves a profound transformation in one’s perception of reality and can be considered the highest level of human consciousness. This article delves into different stages that an individual may encounter on their path towards enlightenment. It’s noteworthy that attaining a thorough comprehension of the ultimate truth doesn’t mandate experiencing every stage mentioned here. Nonetheless, to be considered enlightened, one must realize a significant majority of the stages of spiritual awakening explored.