Belvan & Mansarovar Radha Krishna

Maha Lakshmi Mandir in Belvan – Lakshmi Devi’s Austerities to attain Krishna

belvan maha lakshmi

Belvan, which is the tenth forest of Vraja Mandala, got its name due to the plentiful bael (bilva) trees present during Krishna’s pastimes. As Krishna and His friends grazed their cows in Belvan, they engaged in various sports and enjoyed the ripe bael fruits available in the forest. This is described in Bhakti Ratnakara – 

Ramakrishna sakha saha e bilvavanete
pakka bilvaphala bhunje mahakautukete

At this location, Balarama, Krishna, and their companions celebrated and enjoyed consuming ripe bael fruits.

Jagannath Puri Lord Jagannath

Jagannath temple of Puri – A Fascinating Journey to Lord Jagannath’s Abode

jagannath puri

The holy site of Jagannath Puri is known by several names such as Sri Kshetra, Purushottama Kshetra, Nilachala Dham, Jagannath Dham, Samanik Tirtha, Uddiyan Pith, Marta-Vaikuntha, Nilgiri, Niladri, Sankha Kshetra, Bhu-svarga, and Nrsimha Kshetra. Regarded as one of India’s (Bharat) foremost spiritual destinations, it is believed that the Supreme Lord Sri Vishnu takes a bath at Badrinath in North India, changes His attire in Dwarka in West India, enjoys His meals in Jagannath Puri in East India, and retires to Rameshwaram in South India. In Jagannath Puri, the Supreme Lord is worshiped in the form of His deity. A sighting of the Lord is said to grant one liberation from the material world, and visiting Jagannath Puri is believed to have the same spiritual merit as visiting all other holy sites. The term “Jagannath” translates to “Lord of the Universe,” and the temple was established by King Indradyumna on the Nilachal hill. The current temple was constructed in the 12th century on the site of its predecessor by King Anantavarman Chodaganga Deva, the progenitor of the Eastern Ganga dynasty.

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) Radha Krishna

Wives of Krishna: Unveiling the Story of Their Divine Marriages

krishna wife 16108 wives of krishna

The Adi Purush, as referred to by Lord Brahma, is none other than Lord Krishna, who is considered the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Around 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna appeared on earth and manifested His eternal spiritual pastimes. He was born as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki in the prison cell of His demoniac maternal uncle, Kansa. To fulfill His divine mission, Vasudeva escaped from Kansa’s prison shortly after Krishna’s birth and exchanged Him with the newborn daughter of Nanda Maharaja and Yashoda in Gokul. Thus, Krishna was brought up in the cowherd community under the care of His foster parents. He was a mischievous boy who loved to steal milk and butter from the Vraja gopis’ houses, but despite His teasing and harassment, everyone adored Him. As He grew up, Krishna left Vrindavan and went to Mathura, where He became the leader of the Yadus. Lord Krishna had a total of 16,108 wives, out of which eight were considered his principal wives or “Ashta Bharya”. The names of these eight wives of Krishna were Rukmini, Jambavati, Mitravinda, Satyabhama, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Kalindi, and Lakshmana. Each wife gave birth to ten sons, making Lord Krishna the father of 80 children. Lord Krishna had rescued 16,100 women from the control of the evil demon Narakasura, who had been keeping them forcibly. However, when these women returned to their families, none of them were accepted back. As a result, Lord Krishna married them to provide them with social and economic security. In this article we shall discuss about the enchanting wives of Krishna and their legendary marriages.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism Radha Krishna

Who was the Husband of Radha Rani – Abhimanyu or Krishna ?

krishna husband of radha abhimanyu

Abhimanyu is referred to as Radha Rani’s husband, though it was a so-called or nominal marriage. Radha’s mother-in-law was Jatila, and her sister-in-law was Kutila. Radha Rani resided with her in-laws in the small village of Yavat, which is approximately 5 kilometers from Nandgaon. Radha and Abhimanyu were wedded on the guidance of Paurnamasi Devi (Yogmaya). However, it is essential to recognize that Radha and Krishna are inherently one and cannot be separated. They have manifested themselves as two distinct entities purely for the sake of experiencing their sweet pastimes. In truth, Radha and Krishna had already been united in marriage long before Radha’s association with Abhimanyu, as we will discuss later in this article. This gandharva marriage took place in Bhandirvan and was officiated by Lord Brahma. In this way, it is commonly acknowledged that Radha and Krishna are truly married. However, to make their divine pastimes more appealing, Radha is referred to as being married to Abhimanyu. The allure of their secret meetings and plotting against Jatila and Kutila adds to the enjoyment of their divine exploits.

Radha Krishna

80 sons of Krishna – Names, Remarkable abilities & Pastimes

sons of krishna names rukmini

Krishna’s marriage to 16,108 wives is a fascinating fact, with each wife purportedly giving birth to 10 children, each bearing some resemblance to Lord Krishna. However, despite the large number of wives, there were only 8 queens among them. This prompts the question of how many sons Lord Krishna actually had. This discussion will revolve around the 80 sons that were born to the 8 queens. Lord Krishna had 8 queens, namely Rukmini, Satyabhama, Kalindi, Lakshmana, Bhadra, Nagnajiti, Jambavati, and Mitravinda. In this article we shall discuss the names of the 80 sons of Krishna that were born to them.

Krishna is also referred to as ‘Bhagavan Swayam’ in Srimad Bhagavatam, thereby implying that He is the source of all avatars (incarnations) of Godhead. Krishna is ‘Svayam rupa’ or the original supreme personality of Godhead, and is also referred to as ‘puskala’ or the most complete. He has innumerable names, describing His various qualities, pastimes and incarnations.

Ete camsa kalah pumsah krsnas tu bhagavan svayam
Indrari vyakulam lokam mrdayanti yuge yuge
(Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28)

All these incarnations are either plenary portions or portions of plenary portions of the Supreme Lord, but Lord Krishna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. All of His incarnations appear whenever there is a disturbance created by atheists. These incarnations appear to protect the theists.

Isvarah paramah krishna sac cid ananda vigrahah
Anadir adir govindah sarva karana karanam
(Brahma Samhita 5.1)

Krishna, who is also known as Govinda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He has a transcendental form of eternal bliss and knowledge. He is the origin of all and the prime cause of all causes.

sons of krishna names

Radha Krishna

Krishna and Sudama – Lessons on Immortal Friendship and True Bonding

krishna sudama

Krishna, who descends from His eternal abode in the spiritual world to this mundane world, interacts with others as if He were an ordinary human being. Although He is born as God, He appears to have a mother and father while playing as a cowherd boy in the village of Vrindavana. Krishna performs these pastimes to experience transcendental pleasure and attract suffering entities back home to Godhead. Sudama, who was one of His childhood friends, was a brahmana living as a spiritual guide. Lord Krishna and Sudama had been close childhood friends and classmates at Gurukul, where they received education under the guidance of Guru Sandipani. Although they eventually parted ways after their studies were completed, the bond of their divine friendship remained unbroken in their hearts.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism Srila Prabhupada Vaishnava acharyas

Srila and Prabhupada: Spiritual Meaning Behind These Sacred Titles

chaitanya pancha tattva srila prabhupada

The term ‘Srila’ is made up of two words, ‘Sri’ and ‘La’. ‘Sri’ means beauty and knowledge, and is also used as a term of respect. ‘La’ means ‘Lila’ or the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. Consequently, ‘Srila’ is a title of reverence bestowed upon spiritual personalities who possess the capacity to grasp and admire Lord Krishna’s exalted pastimes, and their hearts are enriched with this ability.

The term ‘Prabhupada’ is used to describe an esteemed devotee who is a saint among saints. ‘Prabhu’ means master, and it is customary for Vaishnavas to address each other as ‘Prabhu.’ ‘Prabhupada’ refers to someone who is the shelter of many such ‘Prabhus.’ When numerous Prabhus seek refuge under the lotus feet of another Prabhu, the term ‘Prabhupada’ is used. In Vedic religious communities, ‘Prabhupada’ is a term of great respect. 

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) Radha Krishna

Radha Krishna : Eternal love story of the Divine Couple

iskcon vrindavan krishna balaram temple radha krishna

Yatha radha priya visnos-tasyah kundam priyam tatha
Sarva gopisu saivaika visnor atyanta vallabha
(Laghu Bhagavatamrita, 45)

Srimati Radharani is dear to Krishna, and her Kunda, known as Radha Kunda, is also similarly dear to Him. It is the favorite place of Krishna. Of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the dearest to Krishna.

Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the ultimate enjoyer and the ruler of all. He is ‘Isvara’ and the cause of all causes. Srimati Radharani embodies His Hladini shakti (internal potency) and is the most remarkable of all His devotees and the most intimate servant of the Lord. Despite Krishna being the supreme enjoyer, Radharani experiences a higher level of ecstasy through serving Sri Krishna, which even baffles the Supreme Lord, who longs to experience it first-hand. Thus, taking on the mood and golden complexion of Srimati Radharani, Sri Krishna descended as Lord Chaitanya in the age of Kali. The heart of Sri Chaitanya was a mirror of Srimati Radhika’s emotions, overflowing with feelings of union and separation from Krishna. It is said that there is no difference between Lord Chaitanya and the union of Radha and Krishna (Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Radha Krishna Nahe anya). Sri Radhika loves and worships Krishna as a simple cowherd boy of Vrindavana, ignoring His status as the mighty king of the Yadus or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She is consumed by Krishna’s sweetness and is willing to sacrifice anything, even her existence, to please Him. Her love for Krishna defies conventional logic, the limits of sacrifice, and the depths of emotional intensity.

Lord Nityananda Sheshashayi and Shergarh

Rama Ghat, Aicha Dauji temple – Oba Bangar | Balarama’s Rasa Lila

rama ghat aicha dauji oba bangar

Rama Ghat, situated about 5 Kilometers east of Shergarh, is the sacred place of Lord Balarama’s Rasa Lila. The residents of Vraja Bhumi had been living in the pain of separation from Krishna and Balarama after the two brothers left for Dwarka. Their distress was so critical that Balarama had to come over to Vrajabhumi to comfort them. It is said that Vasudeva and Devaki did not send Krishna to Vrindavan as they feared that He would never return. Instead, they sent Balarama. Balarama spent the months of Chaitra and Baisakha at Vrajabhumi reassuring His parents, friends, relatives, and the gopis.

Barsana, Yavat, Nandgaon Rupa Goswami

Ter Kadamba, Nandgaon – History and Pastimes

Ter Kadamba nandgaon

Ter Kadamba, situated midway between Yavat and Nandgaon, is one of the most notable sites of Vraja Mandala. Here, a small temple has been constructed in the midst of a group of Kadamba trees (burflower trees). This is also a place of Krishna’s rasa Leela and hence a platform has been constructed to commemorate this pastime. It is believed that Krishna used to bring His cows to graze at this place. Later when it was time to return home, He used to climb up on the Kadamba tree and play on His flute. Hearing Him play, the cows would immediately return. Krishna would then count each cow on His jeweled necklace before departing for Nandgaon. Sometimes, under the gentle light of a full moon, Krishna would climb this tree and play upon His flute to call upon His sakhis. Radha and the other gopis would then leave their homes to respond to the call of their beloved. The surrendered Gopis would then engage in Rasa dance with Krishna. Since Krishna climbed upon the Kadamba tree and played His flute to call (ter) the cows and gopis, this place is known as Ter-Kadamba.

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