Kolkata Srila Prabhupada

A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Pastime places in Kolkata

HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder acharya of Iskcon, our dear spiritual grandfather, has been and continues to be the greatest proponent of Krishna consciousness in the entire world. A true visionary, Srila Prabhupada, has built a home in which the whole world can live in peacefully. The International society for Krishna consciousness (his brainchild) has expanded its footprints to all corners of this world today, and has been instrumental in distributing the causeless mercy of Lord Caitanya in every town and village. Srila Prabhupada is none other than the commander in chief of Lord Caitanya, and he was empowered by the Lord and His Gurudeva to deliver the fallen souls all over the world. From the time he landed in America (1965) till the time he left his body (1977), Srila Prabhupada had encircled the globe a full 12 times, overseeing the construction of over a hundred Iskcon temples.In addition he has left us with hundreds of his books that continue to provide guidance and inspiration to devotees all around the world.‘The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ has covered the life and pastimes of Srila Prabhupada in more detail in the article entitled – ‘The birthplace of A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Tollygunge’. In this present article ,however, we intend to provide a brief sketch of his pastime places in central Kolkata ,where he had grown up and spent a significant portion of his life.

Malda Rupa Goswami Vaishnava acharyas

Rupa Goswami & Sanatana Goswami | Sripat Ramkeli, Malda

ramkeli chaitanya mahaprabhuRamkeli, situated in the town of Malda, has been the erstwhile headquarters of Sri Rupa and Sanatana Goswami before they fully surrendered themselves unto the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (refer – ‘YogPeeth, Mayapur, Navadvipa – The birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’). It was here at Ramkeli, that Lord Caitanya had rested while He was en route to Vrindavana. Mahaprabhu did not travel as far as Vrindavana, though, and returned back only from Kanai Natshala (a place hardly 100 Kms from Ramkeli). The only purpose of His coming to Ramkeli, however, was to bless and unite with His eternal servants Sri Rupa and Sanatana Goswami. The tamal tree under which Lord Caitanya is said to have meditated is still preserved here at Ramkeli. A small temple built under this tree enshrines Sri Gaurahari’s lotus footprints on stone. There are eight sacred ponds surrounding the temple. These ponds (Kunda), dedicated to the eight principal Gopis of Vrindavana, were dug by Sri Rupa and Sanatana themselves when they lived here. ‘the Gaudiya treasures of Bengal’ considers itself greatly fortunate to have been able to enter and serve this cintamani (wish-fulfilling) dham.

Gaura amara, je-saba sthane,
koralo bhramana range
Se saba sthana, heribo ami,

May I visit and constantly contemplate upon all those places where Lord Caitanya performed His sweet pastimes along with His intimate associates.

We seek blessings and compassion of the Vaishnavas, before attempting to write a few lines in glorification of Sri Rupa and Sanatana Goswami. The readers are requested to kindly excuse any of our unintentional mistakes, as we are mere fools, who, not knowing our limits, are trying to delve deep into this esoteric well, to excavate the mesmerizing jewels that adorn the devotees of Sri Gaurasundara.

Bhaktivinoda thakur Kolkata

Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s house in Kolkata | Bhakti Bhavan

Bhakti Bhavan bhaktivinoda thakur

Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur, who is sometimes also referred to as the seventh Goswami, is an eternal associate of the Supreme Lord. His contribution to the Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya is invaluable.At a time when the science of pure devotional service (Bhakti) had almost become lost due to the cultural and religious chauvinism of the ruling British, and the essence of Vaishnavism largely discredited due to the perverted actions and lifestyles of a few non bonafide Vaishnava sects, Srila Bhaktivinoda was largely responsible for rescuing and unearthing the timeless teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In Fact it was he who ,after conducting a painstaking research, had rediscovered the long lost birthsite of Sri Gaurasundara (refer – ‘YogPeeth, Mayapur, Navadvipa – The birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’). Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, was not only a magistrate, but also a renowned and recognised scholar in his days, with vast knowledge in english,bengali,hindi,oriya and sanskrit.He was also a member of the royal asiatic society of London. Such was the degraded state of affairs during those days, that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura could not find a bonafide copy of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, the most important literature for understanding Lord Caitanya’s life and teachings, anywhere. It was only after several enquiries and a long wait, that he received a copy of this book. He subsequently published it along with his commentaries (Amrta-pravaha-bhasya). Likewise, he was instrumental in unearthing several ancient manuscripts like Caitanyopanishad ( portion of Atharva Veda) ,Sri Krishna Vijaya, etc. ‘The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ considers itself an insignificant servant of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, whose causeless mercy has enabled us fools to get a glimpse of his elevated stature and pen a few lines in his glorification.

Leela - Spiritual pastimes Mayapur Nabadwip dham

Mayapur Sri Chaitanya math (Masir Bari) – Founded by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Chaitanya Math bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati

Sri Chandrasekhara Acharya, or Acharya Ratna as he was sometimes referred to ,was the great second branch of Lord Chaitanya’s desire tree of devotional service.He was Lord Chaitanya’s maternal uncle, the husband of Sarvajaya, Saci Mata’s sister.He, like Jagannatha Mishra was originally a resident of Sylhet. He was one of the five devotees who had accompanied the Lord to witness His sannyasa initiation at Katwa (refer – ‘Sri Gauranga Bari (katwa) – Where Mahaprabhu accepted Sannyasa’). According to Gaura Ganoddesha dipika, Sri Chandrasekhara was the incarnation of the Moon God. Needless to say, he was an intimate associate of Mahaprabhu. Later Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura , the founder of the worldwide Gaudiya Mathas (temples), had established one of his main branches here, at the house of Chandrasekhara. He had named it as Vrajapattana, or the place where Vrindavana, the highest spiritual realm, became manifest. Lord Chaitanya had enacted a beautiful play ,revealing the pastimes of Vrindavana, here at Chandrasekhara Bhavan, that enchanted the hearts of all the devotees.This episode of Mahaprabhu enacting this play has been described vividly by Srila Vrindavana das Thakura in Chaitanya Bhagavata .‘The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ considers itself immensely fortunate to be able to narrate this nectarian pastime below.

Balasore Medinipur and surroundings others Vaishnava acharyas

Syamananda Pandita – Biography | Sripat Kanupur (Near Balasore)

balasoreSri Syamananda Pandita, the dear disciple of Sri Hridaya Caitanya, is one of the great stalwart Vaishnavas to have graced the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya. Showering his causeless mercy, he has been instrumental in delivering countless fallen souls. Sri Prema Vilasa reveals that Sri Syamananda Pandita eternally serves as Kanaka Manjari in Krishna’s Vrindavana pastimes. His spiritual master, Sri Hridaya Caitanya, was the incarnation of Sudhira Sakhi. Hridaya Caitanya, in turn, was the dear disciple of Gaudidasa Pandita, the intimate friend of Lord Gaurahari and Nityananda Prabhu. Gaudidasa was the incarnation of Subala, Krishna’s dear cowherd friend. ‘The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ has covered in detail the pastimes of Gaudidasa Pandita in the article entitled – The worshipable deities of Gaudidasa Pandita, Ambika Kalna.

yam loka bhuvi kirtayanti hridayanandasya shishyam priyam
sakhye shri-subalasya yam bhagavatah preshthanushishyam tatha
sa shriman rasikendra-mastaka-manish citte mamaharnisham
shri-radhapriya-narma-marmasu rucim sampadayan bhasatam

Translation – Sri Syamananda was known in this world as Hridaya Caitanya’s dear disciple; He was the grand-disciple of Subala sakha, the most dear friend of the Supreme Lord; he was the crest-jewel of the enjoyers of sacred rapture. May he appear day and night in my mind, bringing an appreciation for the essence of the joys of the beloved of Sri Radha.

hooghly Lord Nityananda

Abhirama Gopala Thakura – Biography | Sripat Khanakul Krishnanagar

khanakul Abhirama Gopala

Sri Abhirama Gopala Thakura was the incarnation of the cowherd boy Sridama,one of the most intimate eternal associates of Sri Krishna and Balarama in Vrindavana.In this age of Kali, Lord Krishna had descended as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Balarama jiu had also accompanied His brother ,incarnating as Lord Nityananda. Both of them began freely distributing the nectar of the Lord’s holy names to one and all without any discrimination.The waves of intense love of God washed one and all and drenched them in ecstasy. The spiritual vibrations of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra (‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’) echoed across the land and the skies. But inspite of showering their causeless mercy and delivering countless souls, their Lordships dearly missed the association of their dear friend Sridama. Lord Gaurahari and merciful Nitai wished that Sridama was also present to assist and accompany them in their sankirtana pastimes.

Appearance of Sri Abhirama Gopala Thakura:

Lord Gauranga once revealed to Nityananda prabhu that in the age of Dvapara, while Krishna was playing hide and seek along with His friends, Sridama had hid Himself inside a cave to avoid being seen.In due course of time Lord Krishna had left Vrindavana for Mathura, had become the king of Yadus and ultimately wrapped up His earthly pastimes. Thousands of years had since passed,but unfortunately, Sridama, being ignorant of these developments, still lied hidden within that cave in Vrindavana, being completely immersed in that friendly hide-n-seek game with his worshipable Lord.Such is the greatness of the Lord and His innocent devotees, that they are completely oblivious of their external surroundings, to the extent of forgetting even their own existence, in order to serve their beloved Lord with all their heart. Who has the power to describe their exalted qualities? Remembering His dear friend and calling out for Sridama again and again ,Sri Caitanya fell upon the ground unconscious.

Mayapur Nabadwip dham Vaishnava acharyas

Jagannath Das Babaji – Biography | Samadhi temple at Mayapur Nabadwip dham

jagannatha das babajiSrila Jagannath Das Babaji,was born around the year 1750 AD, at the remote village of Tangail, in the district of Mymensingh (situated in Bangladesh). Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaja, was the most advanced Rasika devotee of his times in all of Vrindavana, Navadvipa and Jagannatha puri.He lived for about 150 years and was a disciple in the line of Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura and Baladeva Vidyabhusana. He used to initially reside at Surya Kunda in Vrindavana, where he used to perform his Bhajana, but towards the end of his manifested pastimes, he shifted to Navadvipa dham. He was famed as Siddha Baba (perfectly realized soul) and used to chant for days altogether ,going without food, water or sleep.In the pastimes of Sri Krishna, Jagannath Das Babaji eternally serves as Rasika Manjari.

His prominent disciples were Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Sri Bihari das Babaji, Sri Bhagavata Das Babaji, Sri Ramdas Babaji, Sri Nityananda Das babaji, Sri Hare Krishna das Babaji, Sri Ramhari Das Babaji to mention some. By the initiative of Bihari das ,the residents of Surya Kunda constructed a permanent room for Siddha baba at that place.The deities that are presently being worshipped at Gopal Bagh in Vrindavana (renowned as ‘Sonar Gauranga’), are actually the worshipable deities of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji, who had originally brought them from the Sonarundi village of Bengal  (a place about 15 kms from Katwa).The six armed deity (sadbhuja) of Lord Caitanya, that is presently being worshipped at Nidhuvana (in Vrindavana), was also once worshipped by Jagannath das Babaji. Towards the end of his manifested pastimes, Siddha baba, had become bent due to old age, and could hardly keep his eyelids open.However ,with the assistance of his disciples ,he used to daily offer Tulasi leaves unto the Saligrama Sila.Due to his advanced age, he could not see or walk and had to be hence carried within a basket by his disciple Bihari Das ,from one place to the other. Yet inspite of severe physical challenges, he would dance in ecstasy on hearing sankirtana.

Mayapur Nabadwip dham Pastimes of Chaitanya

Vishnupriya devi – Biography | Dhameswar Mahaprabhu Temple, Mayapur Nabadwip dham

dhameshwar Mahaprabhu vishnupriyaSrimati Vishnupriya devi is the eternal consort of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. According to Sri Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika, Srimati Vishnupriya devi is the incarnation of the Lord’s Bhu-Sakti, the mother of the entire universe. Her sacrifice and devotion for Lord Chaitanya shall forever be glorified in the pages of Gaudiya history. The deities of Lord Chaitanya and His footwear that she once worshiped are preserved and served till this day at the Dhameswar Mahaprabhu temple in Nabadwip. ’The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ humbly begs for Her mercy and empowerment to rewind the clock a few hundred years and pen a few lines in Her glorification.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu marries Vishnupriya devi :

After Lakshmipriya devi (Nimai Pandita’s first wife) had passed away, suffering an intense separation from her husband, Saci mata endeavored to get Nimai married for the second time.Sri Sanatana Mishra was a pious and charitable brahmana of Navadvipa. He was exceedingly educated and being a great scholar ,had received the title of ‘Raja Pandita’. The Gaura Gannoddesha Dipika reveals that Sanatana Misra was the incarnation of King Satrajit. His daughter ,Srimati Vishnupriya devi was a chaste ,beautiful woman of noble character. She embodied all the divine qualities of Lakshmi devi.

Tanra kanya aachen parama Sucharita
Murtimati Lakshmi-praya sei jaganmata
(Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata)

Saci devi used to meet Vishnupriya at the bathing Ghat of the ganges everyday.She noted the exalted qualities of the girl, and decided that Vishnupriya was the perfect match for her son Nimai.Deciding thus, Saci Mata approached Sri Kashinath Pandita, who mediated between the two families and the marriage was soon fixed.

Kalna Lord Nityananda

Lord Nityananda marries Jahnava and Vasudha, Ambika Kalna

ambika kalna Lord Nityananda

Kavi Karnapura writes in Sri Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika, that the two wives of Lord Balarama, Srimati Varuni and Srimati Revati devi , appeared in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes as Srimati Vasudha and Jahnava, the two dear wives of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. They were the daughters of the great personality named Suryadas Sarkhel , who had been Maharaja Kakudmi in his previous incarnation.

’The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ shall try its best to narrate below the exalted pastimes of Lord Nityananda’s marriage as has been described by His dear disciple Srila Vrindavana Das Thakura, in his heart melting composition , ‘Sri Nityananda Caritamrta’. The readers are hereby requested to excuse any of our unintentional mistakes ,as we are mere fools who, not knowing our limits, are trying to delve deep into this esoteric well, to excavate the mesmerizing jewels of Doyal Nitai’s ecstatic pastimes.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu decided to marry and settle down in Bengal, after receiving Lord Caitanya’s instructions.Accompanying Sri Uddharana datta Thakura, His eternal associate, Lord Nitai set out for Ambika Kalna.Arriving at the doorsteps of Suryadasa Sarkhel, Nityananda prabhu waited outside as Sri Uddharana rushed inside to inform the residents of the Lord’s arrival.Suryadasa held a very important post in the service of the king of Gauda and was hence awarded with the title ‘Sarkhel’ (commander) .He used to earn a lot of money as his salary.Falling at Nityananda Prabhu’s lotus feet, Sri Suryadasa offered Him his humble obeisances and greeted the Lord wholeheartedly.The Lord then revealed that He had come to Kalna with a purpose and that He desired to have Suryadasa’s daughter as His wife.

Suryadasa sarkhel knew everything about the identity of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda.His brother Gaudidasa Pandita was the incarnation of the cowherd boy Subala, in Krishna’s Vrindavana pastimes. But by the influence of the Lord’s illusory energy, Suryadasa forgot everything at that particular moment and refused the Lord’s proposal upfront. He argued that it was not possible, as things had to be first considered based upon caste,stars and family background. He continued that he was a brahmana while Lord Nitai was an outcaste. Being refused,Lord Nityananda immediately left the place while Suryadasa went inside his house feeling disappointed.

Lord Nityananda North24Paraganas Vaishnava acharyas

Residence of Lord Nityananda | Kunja Vatika, Khardaha

kunja vatika khardaha nityanandaThe holy dham of Khardaha is located hardly at a distance of 20 kms from kolkata.The land of merciful Nityananda Prabhu is decorated all over with various wish fulfilling trees that readily bestow pure devotion upon all without any discrimination. Various demigods have been waiting and meditating for millions of years desiring to take birth in the transcendental abode of Khardaha, where they shall be able to associate with the Lord’s pure devotees and obtain the dust from their lotus feet.The land of Khardaha is a witness to Lord Nitai’s ecstatic pastimes, merely contemplating upon which ,one easily gains entry into the realm of transcendence. Srimati Jahnava Devi, Vasudha devi, Birchandra Prabhu have all manifested their sweet pastimes here and sanctified this holy tract of land. ‘The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ is exceedingly blessed to have been able to visit Khardaha and take darsana of Kunja Vatika where Lord Nityananda manifests His eternal pastimes.

‘Tabey Aailen Prabhu Khardaha Grame
Purandar Panditer Devalaya Sthane
Khardaha Grame aashi Nityananda Raya
Yatah Nritya Karilen-Kahane Naa Jai ‘

– Then Lord Nityananda arrived at the residence of Purandara Pandit in Khardaha village. Here at Khardaha,He had manifested so many innumerable ecstatic dancing pastimes, that it is impossible for one to recount all of them.
(Sri Caitanya Bhagavata)

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