Leela - Spiritual pastimes

Story of Prahlad Maharaj | Appearance of Lord Narasimha – Mantra (Audio)

narasimha prahlad maharaj

The Supreme Lord’s incarnation as Lord Narasimha Deva, who is half-man and half-lion, is a merciful protector of His devotees. We offer prayers to Lord Narasimha for His divine shelter. This article recounts how Lord Narasimha protected His devotee Prahlad Maharaj from his demoniac father. In the Satya Yuga, there was a fearsome demon named Hiranyakashipu who had performed severe austerities for 100 celestial years, becoming extremely powerful. His penance even shook the demigods, who sought the assistance of Lord Brahma to stop him. Hiranyakashipu sought revenge for the killing of his elder brother, Hiranyaksha, by the Supreme Lord’s boar incarnation, Varaha. Hiranyaksha had caused the earth to fall into the depths of the Garbhodaka Ocean, from which Varaha later rescued her. Fueled by revenge, Hiranyakashipu desired to become the Lord of all creation by killing the Supreme Lord, Hari.

Leela - Spiritual pastimes

Shiva and Durga quarrel over Vishnu’s Mahaprasada | Shiva’s Tandava

shivaNarada Muni recites this wondrous pastime that took place between Shiva and Durga in Kailash. Once Narada muni arrived at Kailash and revealed to Mahadeva how he was somehow able to get a small amount of Lord Vishnu’s Mahaprasadam with great difficulty as Lord Vishnu had previously instructed Lakshmi devi not to share His food remnants with anyone. Lord Shiva expressed His displeasure when he learned that Narada had eaten all the Mahaprasada himself and did not bring any of it for Shiva. This article is a summary of the concerned chapter from Sri Chaitanya Mangala, which reveals Shiva’s love and reverence for Vishnu. Utkala khanda of Brahma Purana is the original source that records these astonishing pastimes.

(Lord Shiva asked Narada) ‘O sage, after obtaining the rare Mahaprasadam, you ate it all by yourself, not giving any of it to me. You have come to see me out of great love, but why didn’t you bring any of that great treasure ?‘ 

Hearing Lord Shiva’s words Narada hung his head down in shame and gazed at his fingernails. Then he discovered that there was still some Mahaprasada stuck in his fingernails. He exclaimed that there was still a morsel of Mahaprasada left and saying thus, he offered it to Shiva. Lord Shiva at once put it into his mouth without any hesitation.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism - An overview Glorifications of Sri Chaitanya Pastimes of Chaitanya Vaishnava acharyas What is Spirituality

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Biography, Teachings & Hare Krishna Movement

Chaitanya mahaprabhu

Around 500 years ago (1486 AD), Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Lord, was born at Yogpeeth in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. His divine purpose was to propagate Harinama sankirtana and bless us with the most amazing, profound, and ecstatic pastimes. The Lord is known by various names like Gaura, Gauranga, Gaurahari, Nimai, Gaurasundara, and more. In this article, we will provide a brief summary of the teachings, and biography of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The proud parents of Lord Chaitanya were Sri Jagannatha Misra, an eminent brahmana, and Saci Devi. His father, Jagannath Misra, was a poor Brahmin, and his mother, Sachi Devi, was a model woman from a Brahmin family in Sylhet. The day he was born, the moon was eclipsed and people were bathing in the Bhagirathi river, shouting “Haribol”. As a child, he was called Visvambhar by his grandfather and Gaur Hari by the ladies of the town due to his golden complexion. His mother called him Nimai because he was born near a Neem tree (Azadirachta indica). He was loved by all for his beauty and playful nature. Lord Chaitanya’s identity as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is supported by various Vedic scriptures such as Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, Garuda Purana, Nrsimha Purana, Padma Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Narada Purana, and others. In the following text, we will provide two examples of such references.

aham purno bhavisyami yuga sandhyau visesatah
mayapure navadvipe bhavisyami saci sutah
(Garuda Purana)

Translation – In the future, in first part of Kali yuga, I shall appear in my complete spiritual form at Mayapura, Navadvipa and become the son of Saci.

The mission of Lord Chaitanya, along with a description of His golden complexion and how He descends along with His confidential associates in this age of Kali ,to inaugurate the Sankirtana Yajna is revealed in Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata purana) –

Krishna varnam tvishakrishnam sangopangastra-parsadam
yajnaih sankirtana prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah
(Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.32)

Lord Chaitanya’s teachings have brought people of different nationalities, backgrounds, and cultures together, exemplifying a unity that the United Nations would commend. His teachings have inspired individuals worldwide to forget their external differences and work together in their journey of life, which is important to everyone regardless of social, economic, or geographic status. The practice of congregational chanting of ‘Hare Krishna’ in cities like London, Paris, Tokyo, and New Delhi has its roots in Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings. Scholars have noted that his life and teachings have no parallel in human history, and even the most skilled researchers cannot fully describe his pastimes.

Pastimes of Chaitanya

Nimai steals Gopal’s offerings | Brahmin pilgrim and Lord Chaitanya


Please listen to this wonderful pastime where the son of Jagannatha Misra, bestowed His causeless mercy upon a pious brahmin pilgrim. The brahmin was a devout worshiper of Gopala and used to chant the sixteen syllable Gopala Mantra. The brahmin did not eat anything other than the remnants of the food offered to his beloved Gopala. Salagram sila and Lord Gopala decorated his beautiful neck. He was covered with an aura of great spiritual effulgence. With his eyes half-closed the brahmin continuously relished the mellows of Lord Govinda’s transcendental pastimes. Wandering from one place to the other, the brahmin finally reached the residence of Lord Chaitanya. Seeing the exalted personality, Jagannatha Misra stood up and offered his respects. Washing his feet and offering him a seat, Jagannatha Misra enquired where the brahmin had hailed from.

Pastimes of Chaitanya

Jagannatha Misra’s dream | Witnesses Nimai as a sannyasi (renounced)


By the arrangement of providence, Sri Jagannatha Misra saw a dream one day, that swelled his heart with mixed feelings of happiness and pain. When his dream broke, he fell prostrated  and prayed as follows –

Svapna dekhi staba pari dandavat kare
‘He Govinda, Nimai rahuka mor ghore
Sabe ei vara, Krishna magi tor thaain
Grihasta haiya ghore rahuk Nimai’

He bowed down and prayed, ‘O Govinda, let Nimai remain at my home. O Krishna, I only beg for this benediction – Let Nimai become a householder and continue to stay at my house’.

Saci Mata was taken by surprise and asked Jagannatha Misra as to why he was praying for such benedictions? To this Jagannatha Misra replied that he had just witnessed a dream where Nimai had shaved off His Shikha. He was unusually and stunningly dressed in the robes of a sannyasi. Incessantly chanting Krishna’s holy names, Nimai laughed, danced, and cried in ecstasy.

Pastimes of Chaitanya

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Nishkramana and Naming ceremonies | Naming the Lord ‘Viswambhara’ and ‘Nimai’

Jaya jaya kamala nayana Gaurachandra
Jaya jaya tomara premera bhakta-vrinda
Heno shuvodristi prabhu karaha amayaya
Aharnish chitta yeno bhajaye tomaye
(Chaitanya Bhagavata, Adi, 4.1-2)

All glories, all glories to the lotus eyed Lord Gaurachandra. All glories to Your loving devotees. O Master! Kindly bestow Your merciful glance upon me so that I may engage in Your worship day and night.

With every passing day, their young child (Nimai) carried great joy to Saci Mata and Jagannatha Misra. They floated in an ocean of bliss. Viswarupa picked up His younger brother and smiling gleefully, played with Him. Friends and relatives surrounded the Lord affectionately all the time. Everyone was concerned with protecting the young boy. Some invoked Lord Vishnu’s prayers while some chanted Goddess Durga’s mantras. 

When the Lord would cry, tears would glide down His lotus eyes. Only chanting the Holy Name of Krishna could pacify Him during these times. Everyone understood this and chanted the holy name of Krishna to appease Nimai whenever He would cry. In this way, the Lord induced others to chant the holy name of Krishna since His very childhood.

The demigods played jokes with the devotees who encircled Nimai at all times. They roamed about without being noticed by anyone. But when the people saw shadowy figures move about the house, they thought they had seen thieves. Alarmed, some chanted ‘Nrsimha, Nrsimha’ while others murmured the Aparajit stotra (prayers to Parvati devi) for the child’s protection.

Pastimes of Chaitanya

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu delivers a dog | Magnanimous Nimai

nimai and His puppy

Nimai exhibited His wonderful childhood pastimes along with His mischievous friends. Absorbing Himself in various frivolous games, the Lord spent His days blissfully. One such day, the Lord and His friends stumbled upon a litter of puppies. The Lord picked up one of the pups. His friends protested that Nimai had selected the best-looking pup leaving the rest for everyone else. Nimai replied that the puppy that He had picked up was not only for Himself but instead was for everyone to play with. He continued that He would provide shelter to the puppy in His home. 

Tabe Viswambhara kahila uttara, ei shan sabakara
Sabe ek haiya, khelo iha laiya, thakibe amara ghara
(Chaitanya Mangala, Adi, 2.285)

Then Viswambhara answered ,”This puppy belongs to everyone. Get together all of you and play with it. The puppy would stay at my home”.

Pastimes of Chaitanya

Jagannatha Misra’s Disappearance | One who reads this achieves Vaikuntha

The pastime of Sri Jagannatha Misra’s disappearance is very painful for the Gaudiya Vaishnavas. Though both the appearance and the disappearance of a Vaishnava is considered to be auspicious, yet the apparent misery of our beloved Gauranga and Mother Saci are very difficult to overlook. It is exactly for this reason that not much is written about it in Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata, where Sri Vrindavana das Thakura mentions –

Dukha bada – e shakala vistara karite
Dukkha haya – ataeb kahiluun sankhepe
(Chaitanya Bhagavata , Adi, 8.112)

It is very painful for me to describe all of this in detail. It hurts a lot and hence I am describing it in brief.

Glorifications of Sri Chaitanya Pastimes of Chaitanya

Sri Jagadananda Pandita & Lord Chaitanya | Navadvipa Pastimes | Sri Prema Vivarta

(The Following is an excerpt from Srila Jagadananda Pandita’s ‘Sri Prema Vivarta‘)

(Srila Jagadananda Pandita remembers)

aha se chaitanya pada bhajanera sampada
kotha ebe gelo ama chhadi
amake feliya gela mrityu mor na haila
shoke ami yai gadagadi
(Sri Prema Vivarta, 2.17)

O! the feet of Lord Chaitanya are the wealth of one’s devotion. Where have they gone now abandoning me? They have left me alone; and yet I continue to live. I roll about in the ground suffering this intense agony of separation.

Once in my childhood, I quarreled at school and fought with Sri Chaitanya. After this, I became filled with sadness and cried day and night, sitting on the bank of the Ganges at Mayapur.
Feeling compassionate, the Lord came to me before dawn along with Gadadhara Pandita,  and called out, ‘Jagadananda! Such anger is not good at all. Give up your stubbornness and speak to Me’.
Seeing the Lord’s face my anger melted away and I asked, ‘Why have you come here so late at night? It must have caused You great pain to walk upon the hard roads of Nadia. Have You undertaken this difficulty just for my sake ?’
The Lord said, ‘Let’s go! The night has ended. Go to your house and eat. Understanding your sadness, even I had been fasting till now. I had left my bed and slept on the floor.
At that time Gadadhara came to my house and we together came here searching for you. It is good that you have abandoned your anger. Now go to your house and tomorrow we can joyfully play together’.
Holding onto the feet of Gadadhara, I slowly raised myself. I could not disobey the orders of Lord Chaitanya. Thereafter, I went to the Lord’s house. There I ate something and drank some water and laid down to rest for a few hours.
In the morning, mother Saci and Jagannatha Misra fed me milk and rice and sent me to school with the Lord. After returning from school, the Lord came over to my house and we ate together.
Love after a quarrel is like pure gold. I felt so blissful in my heart. The Lord said, ‘It is because of our love for each other that we get angry with each other. Each quarrel strengthens our love for each other’.

Pastimes of Chaitanya

Little Nimai craves for the moon | Pastimes with Saci Mata

One auspicious evening, after employing her servants in their evening chores, Saci Mata carried little Gaurahari out to the courtyard. It was a full moon night and an ascending moon was on the rise. At this time, little Viswambhara, very consciously and cleverly cried out “Mother! Mother!”. Saci Mata urged Him to quit His crying during the evening and assured she would give Him whatever He wants.

Saci bole – sandhyakale na kara krandana
Yaha chaho taha diba- sunaha vacana
(Chaitanya Mangala, Adi, 2.266)

Little Nimai replied, ”Please pluck the moon out of the sky and give it to Me”. Saci Mata laughed at His reply and joked at how stupid her son was. “Can anyone get the moon from the sky?”, she said. Nimai challenged, “Then why did you say that you shall give me whatever I ask for? That is why I had my hearts set on having the moon”.


Saying this, He began to cry aloud. Holding the end of His mother’s saree, and rubbing His eyes with His other hand, He began beating the dirt with His feet. Holding His mother’s neck, Lord Gaura Raya kept crying and demanding the moon, with which He craved to play. At times, He rolled over the dirty soil, hit His own face and at times He pulled Saci Mata’s hair. Noticing this Saci Mata turned astonished and remarked, “O stupid boy! Your nature is so strange”.

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