
Radha Shyamsundar Temple, Vrindavan – Founded by Shyamananda Pandit

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radha shyamsundar vrindavanRadha Shyamsundar temple is a renowned temple located in Vrindavan, India. The temple is dedicated to the divine couple Radha and Shyamsundar, also known as Krishna. The temple is steeped in rich history, and is considered to be one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Gaudiya Vaishnavas. In this article, we will delve deeper into the history and significance of Radha Shyamsundar temple, and explore the unique spiritual experience it offers to its visitors.

Sri Vrindavan Dham is a revered pilgrimage site, said to be holier than any other. According to legend, even celestial beings yearn to be born on this sacred land, sanctified by the touch of Krishna’s lotus feet. Among the seven main temples of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sect in Sri Vrindavan Dham, the temple of Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar holds a special place in the hearts of devotees. This is due to its unique deity, Sri Shyamsundar, who is believed to have manifested from Srimati Radharani’s heart. Prominent acharyas of the Gaudiya Vaishnava cult, including Srila Jiva Goswami, Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami, Srila Loknath Goswami, and Sri Bhugarbha Goswami, would visit the temple regularly for darshan of Sri Shyamsundar. The sight of the deity would immerse them in an ocean of ecstasy. Srila Raghunath Dasa Goswami and Srila Krishna Dasa Kaviraja Goswami, who were advanced in age and had physical difficulties, also made the effort to visit the temple for darshan. Even the recent Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharyas, such as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur and Srila Bhakti Sarang Maharaj, would become overwhelmed with emotion upon seeing the deity. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, founder of ISKCON, would often weep upon seeing Sri Shyamsundar.

Benefits of worshiping Radha Shyamsundar jiu

#1 Whoever has darshan of Sri Shyamsundar Ji with devotion:

  – Once: obtains Prema Bhakti, never takes birth again, and goes to Sri Krishna’s divine abode

  – Regularly: goes to Sri Krishna’s divine abode with ten past and ten future generations, enjoys a life full of happiness, wealth, and opulence, and moves around fearlessly like a lion

#2 Whoever regularly cleanses the temple of Sri Shyamsundar Ji:

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  – Goes to the heavenly planets, enjoys all pleasures there, and attains the abode of Lord Sri Krishna as one of His attendants

  – If also smears the temple with cow dung after cleansing it, ensures that the relatives of their mother, father, and spouse never go to hell

#3 Any pious person who places a flag on the top of the temple of Sri Shyamsundar Ji and decorates the temple with banners becomes free from all sins committed since birth

#4 A fortunate great soul who regularly worships Sri Shyamsundarji attains the power to deliver the whole world and has all their desires fulfilled

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radha shyamsundar vrindavan

#5 A fortunate person who gives new garments to Sri Shyamsundar Ji:

  – Resides on the Moon planet and thereafter attains bliss in the abode of Lord Sri Hari

  – Becomes rich, fortunate, disease-free, and dear to the ladies, and obtains the fruits of having performed the Ashvamedha and the Rajasuya Yajnas, and lives eternally in the abode of Lord Sri Hari

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#6 A rich person who offers precious ornaments studded with pearls and gems to Sri Shyamsundar Ji:

  – Becomes the emperor of the whole earth, destroyer of enemies, free from all sins, dear to the ladies, and supremely fortunate

  – Obtains the fruits of having performed the Ashvamedha and the Rajasuya Yajnas, and resides eternally in the abode of Lord Sri Krishna

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  – If has the fortune of even once having the darshan with full devotion of Sri Shyamsundar Ji adorned with golden ornaments, their seven generations will be delivered

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#7 A pious person who offers flower ornaments, umbrella, pavilion, bed made of flowers, etc. to Sri Shyamsundar Ji attains the best objects, enjoyment, amusement, and pleasure, and at the end, goes to the eternal abode of Lord Sri Shyamsundarji

#8 Whoever circumambulates the temple of Sri Shyamsundar Ji four times with a heart full of devotion:

  – Obtains the fruits of having circumambulated the whole universe, visited all holy places, and bathed in and circumambulated all of them

  – Becomes free from all sins, attains the fruits of having performed ten Ashvamedha Yajnas, and goes to Lord Sri Krishna’s own abode by the vehicle carried by a swan, and all their good wishes are fulfilled

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History of Radha Shyamsundar

Sri Shyamananda Pandita, the dear disciple of Sri Hridaya Caitanya, is one of the great stalwart Vaishnavas to have graced the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya. Showering his causeless mercy, he has been instrumental in delivering countless fallen souls. Sri Prema Vilasa reveals that Sri Shyamananda eternally serves as Kanaka Manjari in Krishna’s Vrindavana pastimes. His spiritual master, Sri Hridaya Caitanya, was the incarnation of Sudhira Sakhi. Hridaya Caitanya, in turn, was the dear disciple of Gaudidasa Pandita, the intimate friend of Lord Gaurahari and Nityananda Prabhu. Gaudidasa was the incarnation of Subala, Krishna’s dear cowherd friend.

radha shyamsundar vrindavan

Sri Shyamananda Prabhu was born in a village called Dharenda Bahadurpura, which at present lies within the district of Medinipur, in West Bengal. Bhakti Ratnakar describes that Sri Shyamananda Prabhu was born of Sri Durika and Krishna Mandal, exceedingly pious people of impeccable character. His parents, however, had lost all of their previous children, who died at the time of their birth, and hence being morose, they named the newborn Shyamananda as ‘Dukhi’ (one who is sad). Sri Shyamananda was born in the lowly sadagopa caste. However, we should never make the mistake of judging a Vaishnava on the basis of his caste or lineage, because a Vaishnava is always transcendental to these material designations. The Vaishnava only graces this world in order to further the mission of the Lord. Sri Shyamananda Prabhu, though born of a low caste, happened to be an eternal associate of the supreme lord, and through his own life and examples, he provided us with this extremely significant lesson. The only parameter that needs to be considered while distinguishing a Vaishnava is the extent of his dedication towards Sri Guru and Gauranga (yei bhaje sei bada, abhakta – hina, chara, Krishna bhajane nahi jaati kuladi vichara).

As Dukhi grew up, he began to go to school. The teachers were astonished by observing his great acumen. In a very short span of time the child was able to amass a great deal of knowledge in Sanskrit grammar, poetry and rhetoric. From his very childhood, Dukhi was keenly attracted to the pastimes of Lord Gaura Nitai. From his very early days, he wanted to surrender himself unto their lotus feet. His pious parents always encouraged their child and did not hinder his spiritual progress. Growing up, Dukhi expressed his desire to accept Vaishnava initiation from Sri Hridaya Caitanya, his eternal spiritual master. Taking their blessings, Dukhi started for the sacred land of Ambika Kalna. Crossing Navadvipa and Santipur, he finally arrived at Ambika Kalna. Upon reaching Kalna, he became greatly ecstatic, anticipating the long-awaited union with his spiritual master. Asking the whereabouts of Hridaya Caitanya, Dukhi finally arrived at the residence of his Guru. Surrendering unto his lotus feet, Dukhi introduced himself and expressed his keen desire to accept initiation from him. Hridaya Caitanya was pleased with the sweet words of this young boy and named him as Krishna Das. From that day on, Sri Krishna Das assiduously served his guru. Sri Hridaya Caitanya waited for an auspicious day and initiated him into the Radha-Krishna mantra. Krishna das soon became fixed in his service. Seeing Krishna Das’s determination, his bhakti, and his deep intelligence, Hridaya Caitanya instructed him to travel to Vrindavan and seek out the guidance of Sri Jiva Goswami. He wanted Krishna das to stay and study in Vrindavana in order to further develop his philosophical understanding.

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Following the instructions of his Guru, Sri Krishna das started off for Vrindavana. But on his way, he met and sought the blessings of all the senior Vaishnavas. On his way to Vrindavan, he passed by Gaya, where he was overwhelmed with ecstasy contemplating upon the initiation pastimes of Lord Caitanya. When he went to Kasi, he took darsana of the senior devotees like Kasi Misra and Chandrasekhara. In this way, Shyamananda Prabhu (Krishna Das as he was then called) teaches us how we should take permission and blessings of our seniors before we try to enter Vrindavana. The causeless mercy of the spiritual master and the senior Vaishnavas is our only hope to advance in our spiritual lives. We observe that another stalwart Vaishnava, Sri Srinivasa Acharya, similarly takes shelter of his seniors before entering Vrindavana. On reaching Vrindavana, Krishna Das sought out the bhajana kutira of Jiva Goswami and surrendered at his lotus feet. He introduced himself and revealed to him everything. Sri Hridaya Caitanya had previously informed Sri Jiva of Krishna Das. He had requested Jiva to teach him well. After Krishna das had sufficiently gained knowledge in scriptures and after his mind had been well fixed, he could be sent back to Bengal.

In no time, Krishna Das became very close to Sri Jiva Goswami, who gave him the service of drawing the water from Kanana Kunja and cleaning the groves daily. His service pleased the divine couple, Sri Radha and Krishna, so much that they wanted to reveal themselves and bestow their mercy upon him. The amazing pastime that followed shall ever be glorified in the pages of Gaudiya history. While cleaning the groves, Krishna Das discovered a beautiful anklet. Just by touching it, he was immersed in a wave of transcendental ecstasy. He could then understand that the anklet was not ordinary and that it must be belonging to some exalted personality. The anklet actually belonged to Srimati Radhika, and it had dropped from Her foot while She was manifesting Her eternal pastimes at that grove, the night before.

Srimati Radharani along with Her associates came searching for the anklet, the next morning. Disguised as an old lady, Lalita Sakhi, asked Dukhi Krishnadas if he had found any anklet lying there in the grove, to which Krishna Das replied in the affirmative. But when she asked him to return the anklet, Krishna das refused as he doubted that the old lady was actually its owner. There was a long conversation between the two. Seeing Lalita Sakhi almost getting defeated, Srimati Radharani had to intervene. Obtaining the darsana of Vrindavaneshwari, Dukhi Krishna das fainted in ecstasy. On regaining his consciousness, he returned the anklet to its rightful owner. Radharani then blessed Krishna das by creating a special Tilak Mark (noopur tilaka) on his forehead with Her ankle bell. Being pleased with Krishna Das, Srimati Radharani gave him the name Shyamananda, which means one who brings great joy to Syama (Krishna). She also gifted Shyamananda with the most enchanting deity of Syamasundara. Sri Syamasundar jiu’s temple continues to exist and is one of the seven great temples of Vrindavana. This temple is presently under the care and maintenance of Shyamananda prabhu’s disciples. Simply by taking darsana of merciful Radha Shyamsundar jiu, one gets to taste the ecstatic mellows of Krishna Prema.

While in Vrindavana, he (Dukhi Krishna das) was given the name Shyamananda because he brought great joy to Syamasundara. When Jiva Goswami saw his charming activities, he kept him near and instructed him in the Vaishnava scriptures.

(Bhakti-ratnakara 1.401-2)

What to See

#1 Deities of Radha Shyamsundar jiu – As discussed previously, this deity (Lala) of Shyamsundar ji was gifted by Radharani to Shyamananda Pandit. In  the year1580, the King of Bharatpur discovered a self-manifested Deity of Srimati Radharani, affectionately called Lali, among his Royal treasures. Seeking to ensure Her worship and maintenance, he brought Lali to Sri Shyamananda Prabhu in Sri Vrindavan Dham. On the auspicious day of Vasant Panchami of the same year, Sri Shyamananda Prabhu arranged for Lali’s divine marriage to Sri Shyamsundar. After Sri Shyamananda Prabhu’s departure from this world, the sacred duty of worshiping and maintaining the divine couple was entrusted to Srila Rasikananda Prabhu.

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#2 Deities of Radha Kunjabihari jiu – During a severe drought that lasted for several years, the entire Vraja Mandala was in distress. At this time, Mahant Sri Brajajanananda Deva Goswami, the great-grandson of Sri Rasikananda Prabhu, received a letter from Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana Prabhupada seeking his blessings. He came to Vraja Mandala by boat from Sripat Gopiballabhpur and visited Nandgram where the residents were attracted by his charming personality. They requested him to help alleviate their suffering caused by the drought. Using his mystical powers, he brought showers of rain to the region, putting an end to the drought. The grateful people of Nandgram all took initiation from him.While in Nandgram, the Mahant discovered the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihariji. After his passing, Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana Prabhupada brought the Deities to Vrindavan and installed them in the Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar temple. Today, the Deities can be found on the right side of the altar, where devotees come to worship and seek blessings.

#3 Radha Shyamsundar jiu (Big deities) – In the heart of the altar, stands the magnificent Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundarji, installed on Vasant Panchami day in the year 1719 AD by the great saint Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana Prabhupada. The deities of Sri Sri Shyamsundar and Srimati Radharaniji, affectionately called Lalaji and Laliji, were initially small in size, which prevented devotees from offering them a wide range of outfits and ornaments. Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana Prabhupada, who was impressed with the worship of the large deities of Sri Radha Govindaji in Jaipur, obtained permission from the then Mahanta, Sri Brajajanananda Deva Goswami, to install larger deities. A large stone block from Nilgiri, near his birthplace village of Athantar in Odisha, was skillfully carved into the beautiful deity of Sri Shyamsundar Ji, while Srimati Radharaniji’s deity was crafted from Ashta Dhatu (eight metals). These deities were installed in the central altar of the temple on Vasanta Panchami of 1719 AD. 

#4 Nupur prapti sthan – The place where Shyamananda Pandit discovered the anklet of Radharani, The place is a few minutes walk from Radha Shyamsundar temple.

Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar Mandir holds a significant place in the history of Vrindavan as it was the first temple to commence the Mangala Arati, which still continues uninterrupted. This ritual was started to commemorate the victory of Srila Baladeva Vidya Bhushana on behalf of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya at Galta, near Jaipur, in the state of Rajasthan.

How to Reach

In the heart of the sacred town of Shridham Vrindavan, there is a temple dedicated to Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundarji. The temple is located in Mohalla Seva Kunj, near Loi Bazaar, on the same road as the Sri Radha Damodar temple. The postal address of the temple is Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar Temple, Mohalla Sevakunj, P.O. Vrindavan – 281121, District Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is a renowned and revered temple that attracts devotees from all over the world to come and pay their respects to the Divine Couple, Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundarji.


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