Barsana, Yavat, Nandgaon

Pavan Sarovar, Nandgaon – History and Pastimes

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pavan sarovar nandgaon

Pavan Sarovar is a small lake situated to the north of Nandgaon. It had been constructed by Pavan Gopa, father of Vishakha (one of the eight principal Gopis of Vrindavan), and hence it is named so. Pavan sarovar lies adjacent to the highway that leads to Kamyavan (Kaman). It is believed that Krishna used to bring His cows here to drink water while returning them from grazing. Krishna used to bathe and enjoy water sports with His friends, here at Pavan Sarovar. The Gopis who would come to this lake on the pretext of fetching clear water, would often exchange glances and meet with their beloved Krishna. This is confirmed in Vraja-Vilasa-stava, wherein Srila Raghunath das Goswami writes –

kadambanaa vratair madhupa kula jhaikara lalitaiu
parete yatraiva priya salila lelahati minaiu
muhur gopendrasyatmajam abhisaranty ambuja daco
vinodena pretya tad idam avatat pavana sarau
(Vraja Vilasa stava, Text 59)

On the pretext of fetching clear water, the lotus-eyed gopis would return again and again to Pavan Sarovar where they could meet their beloved Krishna with great happiness and love. May Pavan Sarovar, which is filled with many Kadamba trees and the pleasant humming of bees, protect us by granting residence on its bank.

pavan sarovar nandgaon pavan bihari temple

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Bhakti Ratnakara glorifies Pavan Sarovar in the following manner –

Ohe Srinivasa e Pavan sarover-e
Snana kari Krishne ye dekhoye Nandisvare
Sri Nanda Sri Yashodar karile darshan
Sarva-bhisto purna tara haya seikshana
(Bhakti Ratnakara)

(Raghava said) O Srinivasa, a person who bathes at Pavan Sarovar and then sees the deities of Krishna, Nanda, and Yashoda on Nandisvara hill (Nand Bhavan), attains all his desires at that very moment.

When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited the holy land of Vrindavan, He rested at Pavan Sarovar. Srila Sanatana Goswami had also performed bhajan on the banks of Pavan Sarovar. There is a very interesting pastime concerning Sanatana Goswami at this place. Srila Sanatana Goswami used to reside here at Pavan Sarovar in seclusion and stayed absorbed in chanting the holy names of Krishna. He did not endeavor to collect food or eat. Once Krishna, disguising Himself as a cowherd boy wearing a turban and holding a pot of milk, approached the Gosai. Reminding that no one goes without food in Vraja, Krishna offered milk to Sanatana and suggested that he dwell in a bhajan kutir, as the surroundings were dense. Saying this the boy disappeared. When Sanatana Goswami tasted the milk, he was overwhelmed with ecstatic emotions. He at once understood the divine identity of the little boy. The Lord then arranged the local Vrajavasis to construct a bhajan Kutir for Sanatana Goswami, which he gleefully accepted. One visiting Pavan Sarovar can take darshan of this bhajan Kutir to this day.

See also  Pili Pokhar (Priya Kunda), Barsana - where Radharani washed her hands

pavan sarovar nandgaon

This lake has since been renovated. A beautiful temple is now constructed on the bank of Pavan Sarovar. Here the deities of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Radha, and Krishna are worshiped with devotion. Krishna is lovingly worshiped here as Pavan Bihari jiu.

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What to See at Pavan Sarovar

  1. Pavan Sarovar
  2. Pavan Bihari temple
  3. Sanatan Goswami Bhajan Kutir

How to Reach

Pavan Sarovar is a lake that is situated about 2 kilometers from Nand Bhavan. It lies about 2.5 Kilometers from Ter Kadamba where Rupa Goswami resided. Pavan Sarovar is well connected via roadways and one can park one’s car on the bank of the lake. Reaching Nandgaon, one can hire a cab to directly reach this place. It is situated about 50 Kilometers from Mathura and takes about an hour to reach.


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