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Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s horoscope presented by Nilambar Chakravarty | Chaitanya Bhagavata recitation

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The following is a recitation from Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata, Adi Khanda, Chapter 3, Verses 9 – 32. In these verses, Srila Vrindavan das Thakur describes Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s horoscope and how it was presented by Pandita Nilambara Chakravarty and other brahmanas.

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A few words on these verses – Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s horoscope :

Pandita Nilambara Chakravarty (Saci Mata’s father) discovered esoteric and wonderful signs throughout the child’s astrological chart. He was astounded by the child’s beauty and found divine symbols in His body. He explained that the child would excel even Brihaspati in His learning and scholarship. Another saintly brahmana added that the child was none other than the Supreme Lord Narayana Himself, and would establish the essence of religion. He predicted that the child would be instrumental in delivering the entire world.

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He will freely distribute that which is desirable even by the likes of Brahma, Shiva, and Sukadeva Goswami. Even atheists would worship the child. He would accomplish great works and be glorified throughout the entire creation. Keeping in mind His future feats, the brahmana suggested that the child be named ‘Viswambhara’, one who carries the burden of the entire world. The brahmana congratulated Jagannath Misra for his good fortune and exclaimed that his child would come to be celebrated as Nabadwip-chandra (the moon of Nabadwip). However, the brahmana did not reveal that Lord Chaitanya would finally accept sannyasa (renounced order of life) since that would disturb the loving emotion of His parents. Sri Jagannatha Misra was enthralled with ecstasy over the predictions regarding his son. He immediately wanted to offer gifts. He was a poor man with few possessions, yet feeling great jubilation Sri Jagannath Misra fell at the brahmin’s feet and cried. The brahman also caught Sri Misra’s feet, and all present cried “Hari, Hari ” in great joy. Friends and family were all praises for the little child, and they blessed Him as they heard the supernatural predictions concerning His future.

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