Biographies Scriptures Teachings

Gauranga – The Golden Avatar

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gauranga the golden avatar


Book Price : 11.50 $ (Outside India) / 350 INR (within India)
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Book Description :

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, is recognized by various names such as Gauranga, Nimai, Gaurahari, Gaurasundara, etc. He is the most magnanimous incarnation of Supreme. He was born in the year 1486 AD, in Mayapur, West Bengal, and has blessed us with the most wonderful deep and ecstatic pastimes, ever witnessed in human history. His identity as the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be confirmed in a number of Vedic scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, Garuda Purana, Nrsimha Purana, Padma Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Narada Purana, etc. Sri Chaitanya’s pastimes defy the investigative and the descriptive abilities of phenomenologists and psychologists of religious experience. His teachings have been instrumental in uniting people across different nationalities, across different backgrounds – be it social, economic, linguistic, cultural and help each other out in their journey of life. This book primarily celebrates the wonderful pastimes of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and helps devotees meditate upon them. The book is also a collection of auspicious prayers glorifying Lord Chaitanya. Below is a summary of the contents –

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1. Sri Gauranga-Lila-Smarana-Mangala-Stotram – by Bhaktivinoda Thakur
2. Sri Chaitanya Upanishad
3. 108 Names of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu | Gauranga Ashtottara ShataNamaVali
4. Sri Saci-Tanaya Ashtakam : Prayers unto Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (son of Saci) – composed by Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
5. Sri Godruma Chandra Bhajan upadesha – Worshiping Lord Chaitanya, the moon of Godruma
6. Shikshashtakam – composed by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
7. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Biography, Teachings & Hare Krishna Movement

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