Glorifications of Sri Chaitanya Leela - Spiritual pastimes

Nabadwip ashtaka – Glorification of Nabadwip by Rupa Goswami

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ndm nabadwip navadvipa

Srila Rupa Goswami glorifies the transcendental exalted abode of Nabadwip (also spelt as ‘Navadvipa’) in these following eight verses.

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Nabadwip stuti

Sri gauda deshe suradirghi kayas
tire ti ramye pura punya mayyah
lasantam ananda bharena nityam
tam sri Navadvipam aham smarami

Yasmai paravyoma vadanti kecit
Kecic ca goloka itirayanti
Vadanti vrindavanam eva taj-jnas
Tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

Yah sarva diksu sphuritaih su-sitair
nana-drumaih supavanai paritah
Sri gaura madhyahna vihara patrais
tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

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Sri svarna dhi yatra viharita ca
Suvarna sopana nibaddha tira
Vyaptormibhir gaurava gaha mayyes
Tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

Mahanty anantani grhani yatra
Sphuranti haimani manoharani
Praty alayam yam srayate sada sris
Tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

Vidya daya ksanti makhaih samastaih
Sadbhir gunair yatra janah prapannah
Samstuyamana rsi deva siddhais
Tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

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Yasyantare misra purandarasya
Svananda gamyaika padam nivasah
Sri Gaura janmadika lilayadhyas
Tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

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Gauro yatra bhraman harih svabhaktaih
Samkirtana prema bharena sarvam
Nimajjayaty ujjavala bhava sindhau
Tam sri navadvipam aham smarami

Etan navadvipa vicintanadhyam
Padyastakam prita manah pathed yah
Srimac-chacinandana pada padme
Sudurlabham premam avapnuyat sah


I meditate on Sri Navadvipa dham, which eternally shines with great spiritual bliss on the very charming shore of the all-purifying celestial Ganges in Bengal (Gauda-desh).

I meditate on Sri Navadvipa Dhama, which some say is Vaikuntha, while others describe it as the transcendental realm of Goloka; but those who have realized the truth know it as Sri Vrindavana dham.

I meditate on Sri Navadvipa dham, characterized by cooling breezes and trees of various shades, where Lord Gauranga manifested His midday pastimes.

I meditate on Sri Navadvipa, where waves of the great Ganges playfully splash against the golden shores decked with golden stairs.

I meditate on Sri Navadvipa where endless golden palaces charmingly house the goddess of fortune.

I meditate on Sri Navadvipa, where the people are glorified by the great sages, demigods, and Siddhas, and they are filled with knowledge, compassion, tolerance, sacrifice, and the six great opulences.

I meditate on Sri Navadvipa dham, at whose center lies the ever blissful home of Purandara Misra (Jagannatha Misra) enriched with radiant pastimes of Lord Gauranga since His birth.

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I meditate on Sri Navadvipa, where my golden Lord Hari is wandering with His devotees, chanting the holy names of Krishna with great love and plunging everyone in the ocean of ecstatic love of God.

May he who with a joyous heart reads these eight verses opulent with meditations on Sri Navadvipa dham, attain rare love for Sriman Sacinandana’s lotus feet.

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chaitanya mahaprabhu Lakshmipriya vishnupriya nabadwip

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