Gaudiya Vaishnavism Hare Krishna Mahamantra Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) Kali Yuga

15 Benefits of Chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra | Glories of Hare Krishna Mahamantra

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benefits of chanting hare krishna mahamantra glories

Krishna’s divine name is a transcendent source of spiritual bliss, endowed with the power to bestow all manner of blessings upon those who chant it. It is not a material entity and is as potent as Krishna Himself, possessing a complete and all-encompassing form that embodies all transcendental mellows. The name of Krishna and Krishna Himself are identical, transcending all material laws and qualities. Thus, His names are always spiritual, unbound and eternally liberated. The Holy Name of Krishna is a comprehensive path to salvation, serving as both the means and the end of the quest for divine love. In this article we shall discuss about the glories and the innumerable benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

15 benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna MahaMantra | Glories of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra

All glories to Sri Krishna Sankirtanam! All glories to the Hare Krishna Mahamantra ! Realize the benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra !!!

#1 In this age of Kali the only means of spiritual salvation is the chanting of Krishna’s holy name and glories (Sri-Krishna-Kirtana). No other activity surpasses the effectiveness of this.

harer-nama harer-nama harer-namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty-eva nasty-eva nasty-eva gatir anyatha
(Brhan Naradiya Purana)

In this age of Kali the only means of deliverance is chanting of the holy name of Lord Hari. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way.

benefits of chanting hare krishna mahamantra

#2 Chanting the Holy name of Lord Hari destroys all sins

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said:

One of the features of the Holy name is that it destroys all sins. First of all, hear about this subject based on evidence from the scriptures.
Take note of the sinner Ajamila who had chanted the holy name ‘Narayana’, lying helplessly (upon his deathbed). He immediately became absolved of the innumerable sins that he had committed over millions of his births.

ayam hi krta-nirveso janma-koty-amhasam api
yad vyajahara vivaso nama svasty-ayanam hareh
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.2.7)

(The Vishnu-Dutas said) Ajamila has already atoned for all his sinful actions. Indeed, he has atoned not only for sins performed in this life but also for those he had performed in millions of lives. It is because he had chanted the holy name of Narayana in a helpless condition.

benefits of chanting hare krishna mahamantra

#3 Religious rites and vows are insignificant in comparison to chanting the Holy Name

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu explained :

The religious rites like ‘Chandrayan Vrata’ as mentioned in the scriptures do not completely eradicate the sins of a sinner. The chanting of Lord Hari’s holy Name just once, however, delivers the sinner of all his sins.

na niskrtair uditair brahma vadibhis
tatha visuddhyaty-aghavan vratadibhih
yatha harer nama-padair udahrtais
tad uttamahsloka-gunopalambhakam
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.2.11)

(Vishnu-Dutas said) By following the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies or undergoing atonement, sinful men do not become as purified as by chanting the holy name of Lord Hari.The chanting of the holy Name reminds one of the Lord’s qualities.

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hare krishna mahamantra

#4 One who chants the holy name of Lord Hari attains Vaikuntha

If one chants the holy name of Krishna or Hari indirectly, jokingly, for entertainment or even neglectfully – then this namabhasa (impure but offenseless chanting of the Holy Name) will destroy his innumerable sins and enable him to enter into Vaikuntha(the spiritual world) overstepping the jurisdiction of Yamadutas (attendants of Yamaraja).

sanketyam parihasyam va stobham helanam eva va
vaikuntha-nama-grahanam-asesagha-haram viduh
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.2.14)

(Vishnu-dutas said) Even if one chants the holy name of the Lord indirectly, jokingly, for entertainment, or even neglectfully, one is immediately freed from the reactions of unlimited sins. This is accepted by all the learned transcendentalists.

Yamaraja never torments those who helplessly and submissively call out the names of Krishna, Hari or Narayana after having fallen, slipped, been broken, bitten, burnt or having suffered an injury.

patitah skhalito bhagnah sandastas tapta ahatah
harir-ity-avashenaha puman-narhati yatanah
(Srimad Bhagavatm, 6.2.15)

(Vishnu-dutas said) If one chants the holy name of Hari and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling, slipping, suffering broken body, being bitten, burnt, or being injured, then one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful.

benefits of chanting hare krishna mahamantra

#5 Chanting absolves sins of the past as well as sins that are yet to fructify

The Holy Name of the Lord quickly nullifies the reactions to one’s present sins, sins associated with one’s previous lives, and sins that shall fructify in the future. The living entity has no friend in his life other than the Holy Name of the Supreme Lord.

vartamanas tu yat papam yadbhutam yad-bhavishyati
tat sarvam nirdahatyasu govinda-kirtananalah
(Laghu Bhagavata)

The fire of chanting of Lord Govinda’s Name quickly burns away the reactions to sinful activities that have accumulated not only in this life but over many past lives and even those which are yet to ripen in the future.

Even those who offend and commit sins against the virtuous people of this world attain deliverance by chanting the Holy Name of the Supreme Lord.

sada droha-paro yas tu sajjananam mahitale
jayate pabano dhanyo harer-namanukirtanat
(Laghu Bhagavata)

An offense committed against a saintly person is a grave violation and can only be atoned by chanting the Holy Name of the Lord.

hare krishna mahamantra sins

#6 The Holy name cures all diseases

All the Vedic scriptures sing that the holy name of the Supreme Lord can cure all diseases. 

nasyanti sakala rogah satyam satyam vadamy aham
(Brhan Naradiya Purana)

This is the Truth! This is the Truth! Chanting the Names ‘Achyutananda’ and ‘Govinda’ causes diseases to die out of fear.

#7 The Holy Name transforms the greatest sinners into the most glorious saints

mahapataka-yukto pi
kirtayan manisam harim
suddhantahkarano bhutva
jayate pamkti-pavanah
(Brahmanda Purana)

By chanting the Holy Name of the Lord day and night, even the greatest sinner is purified and is transformed into a saint who can purify others by his association.

madhai tala

#8 Chanting the Holy name dispels fear and punishments

The Fear of terrible diseases or the fear of being punished by the King is driven away by chanting the Holy Name of Narayana.

narayaneti sankirtya
niratanko bhaven narah
(Vahni Purana)

Living beings who are troubled with terrible diseases or oppressed by kings grow fearless by chanting the Holy Name of Narayana.

All kinds of diseases, sufferings, along with troubles and calamities are destroyed by chanting the Holy Name of Lord Hari.

sarva-roga-upasamanam sarvopadrava-nasanam
santidam sarva aristanam harer nama anukirtanam
(Brhad Vishnu Purana)

Chanting the Holy Name of the Supreme Lord Hari heals all diseases, ends all troubles and subdues all disasters.

Just as the mighty wind scatters the clouds, and the rising sun certainly dissipates the darkness – similarly the Holy Name of the Lord drives away the calamities that torment the living beings on the strength of its potency. These are the words of Vyasadeva.

sankirtyamano bhagavan anantah
srutanubhavo vyasanam hi pumsam
pravisya cittam vidhunoty asesam
yatha tamo ’rko ’bhram ivati vatah
(Srimad Bhagavatm, 12.12.48)

When a living entity chants about the Infinite Supreme Personality of Godhead, or hears about His prowess, the Lord enters their hearts and cleanses away their misfortunes, just as the sun dispels the darkness or as a powerful wind scatters the clouds.

#9 Chanting the Holy name of Lord Hari with faith counteracts the adverse ill-effects of Kali Yuga

In this dark age of Kali, sincere devotees should give up all other shelters and take exclusive shelter of the Holy Name of Lord Hari.

Chanting the Holy Names of ’Hari’, ‘Keshava’, ‘Govinda’, ‘Vasudeva’, ‘Jagan-Maya’ fulfills one’s heart with great bliss.

One who chants the Holy Name of the Supreme Lord with unflinching faith is not affected by the reverses of Kali Yuga and his heart stays eternally pure.

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harinama-para ye ca ghore kali-yuge narah
te eva krtakrtyasca na kalir badhate hi tan
hare keshava govinda vasudeva jaganmaya
itirayanti ye nityam na hi tan badhate kalih
(Brhan Naradiya Purana)

Living beings who devote themselves to the chanting of the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord Hari are not affected by the reverses of Kali Yuga. Chanting the Holy Names ’Hari’, ‘Keshava’, ‘Govinda’, ‘Vasudeva’, ‘Jagan-Maya’ ,one overcomes the hindrances posed by Kali Yuga.

hare krishna mahamantra kali yuga

#10 Chanting the Holy name of Lord Hari is superior to the study of all 4 Vedas

The Holy Name of the Supreme Lord is superior to all the Vedas. One who doubts this never attains any good fortune.

‘Pranava’ or ‘Om’ is another Name of Krishna, and it is from this sound, spoken first by Brahma, that the Vedas had originated. Essentially these two (Krishna’s name and the Vedas) have no distinction. Hence one who constantly chants the Holy names of Lord Hari has already recited the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas.

rig-vedo hi yajur-vedah sama-vedo py atharvanah
adhitas tena yenoktam haririty akshara dvayam
(Vishnu Dharma Purana)

Those who have chanted the two syllables ‘Ha-ri’ have certainly studied the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas.

What is the use of studying the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda? Just chant the holy name of ‘Govinda’.

ma richo ma yajustata ma sama pathha kinchana
govindeti harer nama geyam gayasva nityasah
(Skanda Purana)

Do not recite the Rig, Yajur, Sama or Atharva Veda. Just chant the holy name of Lord ‘Govinda’ incessantly.

#11 The Holy name of Krishna is superior to the holy names of ‘Vishnu’ and ‘Rama’

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had explained :

Every Name of Lord Vishnu is superior to all the Vedas. Know that the name ‘Rama’ is superior to a thousand names of Lord Vishnu.

vishnor ekaika-namapi
sarva-vedadhikam matam
(Padma Purana)

Every single name of ‘Vishnu’ is superior to all the Vedas. The Name ‘Rama’ is superior to a thousand names of Vishnu.

The results achieved by chanting a thousand names of ‘Vishnu’ three times is the same that is attained by chanting the Holy Name of Krishna just once.

sahasra-namnam punyanam triravrttya tu yat phalam
ekavrttya tu krsnasya namaikam tat prayachchhati
(Brahmanda Purana)

The result which is achieved by chanting a thousand names of ‘Vishnu’ three times is the same that is attained by chanting the Holy Name of Krishna just once.

“Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna he!” .O devotees! Incessantly chant this Holy name (Hare Krishna Mahamantra).

‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’

Chanting these sixteen Holy Names ensures that all spiritual obligations are satisfied. One who chants them is bestowed with all perfections in spiritual life. The benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra are unlimited.

#12 Chanting of the Holy Name of Lord Hari is superior to any pilgrimage

kuruksetrena kim tasya kim kasya puskarena va
jihvagre vasati yasya harir ity aksara-dvayam
(Skanda purana)

What is the need of touring Kurukshetra, Kashi or Pushkara for one whose tongue is always blessed with the two syllables ‘Ha-ri’?

tirtha-koti-sahasrani tirtha-koti-satani ca
tani sarvany avapnoti vishnor namanukirtanat
(Vamana Purana)

What one cannot obtain after touring millions and billions of holy places is achieved simply by chanting the holy names of Lord Vishnu.

Sitting at Kurukshetra, Visvamitra Muni once said, ’I have heard the names of various holy places of pilgrimage in this world. But none of them are even one-millionth as potent as chanting the Holy Name of Lord Hari’. This statement is of utmost value.

visrutani bahunyeva tirthani bahudhani ca
koty amsena na tulyani nama-kirtanato hareh
(Visvamitra Samhita)

None of the renowned holy places of this world are even one-millionth as potent as chanting the Holy Name of Lord Hari.

kintata vedagama sastra-vistarais
tirthair anekair api kim prayojanam
yady atmano vanchasi mukti-karanam
govinda govinda iti sphuratam rata
(Laghu Bhagavata)

My child, What is the need for studying the voluminous Vedas and its corollaries? And what is the need of so many holy sites of pilgrimage? One who aspires to get delivered from this material world should constantly chant ‘Govinda’ ‘Govinda’.

#13 Chanting the Holy Name is superior to all pious activities

yajnayutam meru-suvarna-danam
govinda-kirterna samam satamsaih
(Laghu Bhagavatah)

The actions of donating millions of cows during solar eclipses, staying at sacred Prayag by the Ganges for a Kalpa (billions of years comprising a cycle of the 4 yugas), offering countless sacrifices or donating Mount Sumeru’s worth of Gold in charity does not compare to even one-hundredth the value of chanting the Lord Govinda’s Holy Name.

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The scriptures state that public welfare works, no matter how numerous or extensive, are after all mundane activities.

The Holy Name of Lord Hari easily grants one liberation from this material world. Fruitive activities are trivial when compared to the Holy Name of the Lord.

istapurtani karmani subahuni kritany api
bhava hetuni tany-eva harer nama tu muktidaam
(Baudhayana samhita)

Public welfare works, numerous or extensive, are after all mundane activities.The Holy Name of Lord Hari easily grants one liberation from this material world. 

#14 Chanting the Holy Name is superior to the practice of Sankhya and Ashtanga Yoga

kim karishyati sankhyena kim yogair nara nayaka
muktim-ichchhasi rajendra kuru govinda-kirtanam
(Garuda Purana)

O King, What will you do with Sankhya Yoga (path of deductive philosophical speculation) or Astanga Yoga (eightfold mystic yoga) processes? If you are searching for liberation then incessantly chant the holy name of Govinda.

aho bata svapaco to gariyan
yaj jihvagre vartate nama tubhyam
tepus tapas te juhuvuh sasnur arya
brahmanuchur nama grnanti ye te
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 3.33.7)

Oh, how glorious! Even an outcast on whose tongue appears Your holy name is worshipable! Persons who chant the holy name of Your Lordship must have performed severe austerities, fire sacrifices and achieved all the good manners of the Aryans. To chant Your holy name, they must have bathed at holy sites of pilgrimage,  studied all the Vedic scriptures and fulfilled everything needed.

hare krishna mahamantra meaning

#15 Lord Krishna and His holy name is non-different

The Holy Name of the Supreme Lord is all-powerful and is equal to Lord Krishna in all respects. Lord Krishna has invested all of His potencies within His holy name.

Lord Krishna has drawn His powers present within the practice of charity, religious rituals, austerity, visiting holy sites of pilgrimages, Karma-Kanda rituals for the demigods, rajasuya yajna, asvamedha yajna, knowledge of self-realization and has invested them in His Holy Name.

dana-vrata-tapas-tirtha-kshetradinam ca yah sthitah
saktayo deva-mahatam sarva-papah-harah subhah
rajasuyasvamedhanam jnanam adhyatma-vastunah
akrsiya harina sarvah sthapitah svesu namasu
(Skanda Purana)

The Lord has drawn all of His purifying power invested within the practice of charity, religious rituals, austerity, visiting holy sites of pilgrimages, Karma-Kanda rituals that are offered unto the demigods, rajasuya yajna, asvamedha yajna, knowledge of self-realization and has infused them into His Names.

How to Chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra ?

Now that we understand the benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and its glories, we should learn how to chant the Mantra properly. One should chant in such a manner that the Holy name of Krishna is suitably glorified. The valor of the Holy name never unveils itself wherever there is any uncertainty regarding the Holy name’s potency. The grace of the holy name of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna (and the benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra) can only be attained by the faithful and not by the skeptical. This is an esoteric mystery which the devotees should certainly be aware of.

One should chant the following Hare Krishna Mahamantra preferrably on Tulasi beads – 

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

This Hare Krishna Mahamantra also finds its mention in the Kali santarana Upanishad, wherein it has been described as the destroyer of all inauspiciousness (iti sodasakam namnam kali kalmasa nashanam). The Supreme Lord, appearing as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, has inspired us one and all to incessantly chant the holy name of Krishna. He has further instructed us to make an effort and preach extensively to others ,about the glories of chanting Krishna’s holy name (yare dekho taare kaha Krishna upadesha…). It is very important that we seek shelter of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates before we begin chanting each round of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. So first of all we should chant the below Pancha Tattva Mahamantra before we proceed to chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

‘Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda ,Sri Advaita, Gadadhara, Srivasa adi Gaura bhakta vrinda’

Translation – I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara Pandit, Srivasa Thakura and all the devotees of Lord Chaitanya.

Chanting the holy names of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates bestows upon us their causeless mercy enabling us to chant Krishna’s names without committing any offenses.

108 japa beads form a round. On each of these beads, we should chant the complete Hare Krishna Mahamantra (Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare) before proceeding to the next bead. A minimum of 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra daily is recommended for the most beneficial results considering the present day and age. However, one can begin with chanting any number of rounds and then slowly grow his chanting with time. As stated before, we should chant the Pancha Tattva Mantra at least once before beginning each round of the ‘Hare Krishna Mahamantra’.

meaning of Hare krishna mahamantra

Meaning of Hare Krishna Mahamantra | Glories of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra

The word ‘Hare’ refers to the Supreme Lord’s internal energy or Srimati Radharani and the word ‘Krishna’ refers to Lord Krishna, the supreme personality of Godhead. When we chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, we pray to Srimati Radharani, to engage us in the service of Sri Krishna. Rendering devotional service unto the Supreme Lord is the very essence of our existence and the ultimate perfection of our lives. Also, as Lord Gauranga (Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) is non-different from Sri Radha and Krishna (Sri Krishna Caitanya ,Radha Krishna Nahe anya), the syllables ‘Hare Krishna’ is non-different from Lord Gauranga. So when we chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, we pray to Lord Chaitanya to engage us in His glorious Harinama sankirtana movement.

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