Chaitanya Mangala Sutra Khanda

Brief Outline of Chaitanya Mangala

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(Marhati Raga – Disha) 

dandabhanga leela bhumi dwadash bhuja gauranga

Text 63-64
Hari Rama Rama Gaurachand aare Prana mora haya
Prathame kahiba katha apurva kathan
Acharya Gosai kaila garvera vandana
Prithivite janama laila trijagata natha
Sangopango yata yata parishada satha

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Translation –
Gauranchand (Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) ,who is non different to Lord Hari and Lord Ramachandra, is my very life.
First of all I would recite the wonderful pastimes of how Sri Advaita Acharya worshipped Saci Mata’s womb. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord of the three worlds, appeared on this earth along with His eternal associates.

Purport –
Srimad Bhagavatam states –
krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam sangopangastra-parshadam,yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah (11.5.32)
In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead (Gauranga) who constantly sings the holy name of Krishna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, weapons , servants, and confidential companions.
When the Supreme Lord descends to this world, He descends along with all of His weapons, associates, servants and all of His incarnations as well.

Text 65-66
Mata pita balaka lalena yenamate
Annaprashana naame thuila harashite
Balya-charita katha kahiba bidhana
Shunya charane shuni nupura nishana

Translation –
Bringing the Lord up with utmost care, His mother (Sacidevi) and father (Jagannatha Mishra) subsequently performed Nimai’s grain eating and the name giving ceremony with great joy. I would recite the childhood pastimes of the Lord and how the people could hear the sounds of ankle bells from His feet, even when He wore none.

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Text 67-68
Parashi asuchi deshe chale achambite
Apana maa-era jnana kahila yemate
Puranarigana kahe bujhite charita
Taar bole narikela anila tvarite

Translation –
Sometimes Nimai would touch unclean things and when His mother would try to stop Him, Nimai would speak bewildering words of philosophy.To test Him, the old village ladies would sometimes ask Him to fetch a coconut. Surprisingly, He would manifest one almost instantly.

Purport –
Nimai began exhibiting His blissful enchanting pastimes since He was a little boy. One day, Jagannath Mishra went far for some work and Nimai climbed upon some used clay pots that were utilised for cooking. When Nimai, with His golden complexion climbed upon these black pots, He seemed just like a golden champaka flower with these pots seeming like black bees hovering around Him. When Saci mata asked Him to get down from the place citing that it was unclean, little Nimai surprised everyone by speaking some deep philosophical subjects. Suddenly Nimai began saying that whichever place He sits upon becomes purified by His presence. Wherever He stays, the place becomes automatically sanctified. Ganges and all other places of pilgrimage naturally reside there. The conception of clean and unclean are a conditioned way of thinking. He added that as those pots were used to cook bhoga for Lord Vishnu, they could never become contaminated. On the contrary these pots were the most sanctified and they could purify everything simply by their touch. The people who had gathered over there to hear the ongoing discussion were astounded hearing little Nimai’s reply.By the influence of His illusory potency, no one could fathom the depth of his words though.
During this pastime,Nimai also expressed His keen desire to continue with His studies, which had by then been halted by Jagannatha Misra. Nimai said that how would He come to differentiate between clean and unclean things if He was not allowed to continue with His studies.It was after this pastime that little Nimai was allowed to resume His studies.

Text 69-70
Kukkura-shabaka laiya khelana thakura
Dekhiya shakala loka ananda prachura
Balakera shonge khela khele rajapathe
Gupta-bejha parakash dekhila yemate

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Translation –
Seeing the Lord playing with a puppy, everyone was very much pleased.Murari Gupta watched the Lord play with His friends in the streets.

Text 71-72
Basakasahite hari-sankirtana-e nritya
Dekhiya shakala loka anandita chitto
Yena mate haate khari dile tara baap
Ya shunile duur hoi amangala taap

Translation –
All the people (of Nadia) greatly relished the Lord’s sankirtana pastimes with His friends. His father (Jagannatha Mishra) thereafter gave Nimai a chalk and taught Him how to write. Anyone who hears of this pastime, is relieved of all sufferings and inauspiciousness.

Purport –
Nimai’s childhood pastimes have been described in a greater detail in Adi Lila of Sri Chaitanya Mangala. The childhood pastimes of Nimai are especially sweet and heart melting. As Locana das Thakura confirms in this verse, contemplation and meditation upon these pastimes removes all inauspiciousness and fills one’s heart with love and ecstasy.
dhanye kalau sampravishte, Gaura leela manorama;
prakata bhavita hy etat, vyaktam tada bhavishyati
(Urdhvamnaya Tantra)
The advent of the age of Kali is most auspicious because in the near future the most wonderful and enchanting holy Pastimes of Lord Gauranga will be most openly and widely established and broadcasted.

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Text 73-74
Tabeta kahiba katha shuno sabdhane
Khele Viswambhara-Viswarupa jyestha san-e
Indra-upendra yena dui sahadara
Kahiba tahara katha sunibe uttara

Translation –
Please listen carefully as i describe the wonderful childhood pastimes of how Viswambhara played with His elder brother Viswarupa. The two brothers resembled just like Indra and Upendra (Indra’s brother).I shall recite these pastimes and you shall relish them.

Purport –
Viswarupa was the elder brother of Lord Chaitanya.He accepted sannyasa at a very early age and left his home, when Nimai was a little child. Viswarupa’s sannyasa name was Sankararanya. He subsequently passed away at a place of pilgrimage known as Pandharpur, situated in western India.

Text 75-76
Viswarupa sannyasa karila yenamate
Viswambhara mata pita prabodhe kathate
Tabe to kahiba Viswambharera charita
Balakasahite khela khele viparita

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Translation –
When Viswarupa accepted His sannyasa,Viswambhara consoled His father and mother. I shall narrate how Viswambhara performed His mischievous playful pastimes along with the other boys.

Text 77-78
Shakala balaka mili Jahnavira kule
Balukaya pakshapadachihna dekhi bule
Dekhiya tahara pita dukhi haila mana
Gharere aniya kaila tarjana garjana

Translation –
The Lord would play upon the bank of the Ganges along with the other boys. The Lord’s father (Jagannatha Misra) followed the footprints on the sand one day and found his son playing over there. He became very sad. Bringing Nimai back home, he rebuked him in a loud voice.

Text 79-80
Swapane tanhare kripa kaila yenamate
Kahiba shakala katha shuno ekchite
Karnabedha churakarana ara upabita
Kahiba shakala katha ananditachita

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Translation –
Please listen attentively as i describe how Nimai bestowed His mercy (upon His father) in a dream. With a jubilant heart i shall narrate the Lord’s ear-piercing, hair-cutting, sacred thread and other ceremonies.

Text 81-82
Balya samadhana haile yauvana pravesha
Dine dine kare prema prakash aseshe
Guru sthane parilena satirthera sane
Bangajera kathaya parihasaye yemone

Translation –
Once His childhood was over, the Lord entered His youth. Day by day He began manifesting His intense love for God. He began studying at His teacher’s house along with His friends. The Lord used to make fun of the bengali dialect spoken by the students having their roots in East Bengal.

Purport –
There is a little difference in the bengali accents spoken by the people of East bengal (now Bangladesh) and the people of west Bengal. This difference gets more profound as one travels further east or further west. For example a bengali from Kolkata may find it really difficult to decipher the bengali spoken by a person originating from sylhet or chittagong. It is worthwhile mentioning at this point that though Mahaprabhu made fun of the bengali accents of the students from East bengal, yet His parents were originally from Sylhet, situated in East Bengal. Mahaprabhu was an expert in teasing others.

Text 83-84
Maa-e ajna dila ekadashi karibare
Anek prakash katha kahiba se-kaale
Henoyi samay Jagannatha paralaka
Kandoye yemate prabhu paiya pitrishoka

Translation –
He instructed His mother (Saci devi) to observe ekadashi vows. I shall narrate several important things when i discuss this pastime.During this time, Jagannatha Mishra passed away from this world and Nimai cried piteously at the loss of His father.

Purport –
There is a beautiful pastime in which Nimai begged His mother, to grant Him something in charity. When Srimati Saci devi agreed to grant Nimai a boon, Lord Viswambhara begged her to fast from grains on ekadashi. From that day onwards Saci devi happily gave up eating grains on an ekadashi day. In this way Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the system of observing a fast on the ekadashi day, since His very childhood.

Text 85-86
Tabeto kahiba katha aparupa ara
Vivaha karila prabhu ananda apara
Ganga darsane ara ye haila rahasya
Savdhabe shuno iha kahiba abashya

Translation –
I shall narrate to you the beautiful pastimes of the Lord’s marriage, which had bestowed unlimited bliss upon everyone. I shall reveal to you the confidential incident that had occured while the Lord was on His way to the Ganges. Please listen to it carefully, as i shall definitely tell you this story.

Text 87-88
Purva-desh gamana kahiba bhalomate
Lakshmi-swarga-arohana haila yenamate
deshere ashiya punah vivaha karila
Sishye vidyadan diya gaya-re chalila

Translation –
I shall nicely explain the Lord’s journey to His ancestral home (in Bangladesh). It was at this time that Lakshmipriya devi passed away from this world. On returning, Mahaprabhu married once again. After imparting education unto His students, He left for Gaya.

Purport –
After Lakshmipriya devi (Nimai Pandita’s first wife) had passed away, suffering an intense separation from her husband, Saci mata endeavored to get Nimai married for the second time.Sri Sanatana Mishra was a pious and charitable brahmana of Navadvipa.He was exceedingly educated and being a great scholar ,had received the title of ‘Raja Pandita’.The Gaura gannoddesha Deepika reveals that Sanatana Misra was the incarnation of King Satrajit. His daughter ,Srimati Vishnupriya devi was a chaste ,beautiful woman of noble character. She embodied all the divine qualities of Lakshmi devi.
Tanra kanya aachen parama Sucharita
Murtimati Lakshmi-praya sei jaganmata
(Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata)
Saci devi used to meet Vishnupriya at the bathing Ghat of the ganges everyday.She noted the exalted qualities of the girl, and decided that Vishnupriya was the perfect match for her son Nimai.Deciding thus, Saci Mata approached Sri Kashinath Pandita, who mediated between the two families and the marriage was soon fixed.
Sri Buddhimanta Khan, an eternal associate of Mahaprabhu, was a wealthy gentleman of Navadvipa. He was the incarnation of King Suvarna Sena, who in the previous yugas, had ruled over these lands.Suvarna Vihara, the place where Suvarna Sen’s palace once stood, can be taken darsana of at Godrumadvipa till this day. Ancient relics of prehistoric architecture have been excavated from this place that tell a tale of an opulent past.Sri Buddhimanta Khan, subsequently bore the entire expense of Mahaprabhu and Vishnupriya devi’s marriage.

Text 89-90
Pratyeke kahiba iha shuno sarvajana
Anek ananda pabe, na chharo jatana
Desh agaman katha kahiba vishesh
Prema prakashaye-nirantara rashabesh

Translation –
I shall narrate these pastimes to everyone ; so please listen to them attentively. One shall obtain a lot of transcendental bliss upon hearing them carefully.I shall recite how the Lord returned to West bengal and manifested symptoms of ecstatic spiritual love, and how He always remained plunged in a nectar of transcendental mellows.

See also  Narada muni Travels to Dwarka

Text 91-92
Madhyakhanda-katha bhai anek ananda
Shunite pulaka bandhe amiyara khanda
Bhakta sandarshana katha premar prakash
Kahibar aage uthe hridoye ullash

Translation –
The pastimes described in Madhya Khanda (of this book) are full of transcendental bliss. One who hears of them has the hairs of his body standing on its end. The section is filled with sweet nectar. By discussing these pastimes in the association of devotees, one develops transcendental love of God.Hence, even before i attempt to recite them i feel great ecstasy arising within my heart.

Purport –
Sri Locana das Thakura has divided Chaitanya Mangala into the following parts – Sutra Khanda, Adi Khanda, Madhya Khanda and Sesh Khanda. Sutra Khanda primarily deals with the celestial pastimes preceding the advent of Lord Gauranga.Adi Khanda deals with the Lord’s childhood pastimes and pastimes in His youth. Madhya Khanda recites the pastimes of Mahaprabhu till His journey to South India.The later pastimes of Mahaprabhu have been recited in Sesh Khanda.

Text 93-94
Madhya-khanda katha bhai nadiya-vihar
Amiyar dhara yena premar prachara
Ati aparupa leela prakashila prabhu
Chari yuge adbhut katha nahi shune kabhu

Translation –
O Brother! The pastimes described in Madhya Khanda (of Chaitanya Mangala) talks about the Lord’s activities in Nadiya. These pastimes wherein the Lord preached love of God ,are just like incessant streams of nectar. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu manifested the most wonderful incomparable pastimes, never heard before in any of the four yugas.

Purport –
‘Avatara sar Gaura avatara’. Lord Chaitanya is the essence of all the incarnations of the Supreme. His blissful transcendental body is saturated with ecstatic love of God, merely by seeing which, one receives the pure love of God.
The Navadvipa dham mahatmya states –
‘ara eka gudha katha suna sarva jana, kali jive yogya vastu Gaura leela dhana’

Please hear the most confidential secret. The most suitable thing for the conditioned souls in this age of Kali, is the supreme treasure of Lord Gauranga’s pastimes. 
The pastimes of Lord Gauranga are unique, the most blissful and more magnanimous than any other pastimes performed by any other incarnation of the Supreme Lord. Hence such pastimes have never before been seen in any of the other yugas. Lord Gauranga’s pastimes are non different from Him. So when we meditate upon Him, or His pastimes, we are in fact directly associating with Him. The more we do this regularly, the more we cleanse our consciousness which further helps in reviving our spontaneous faith and devotion unto Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.Aspiring devotees are hence advised to ‘Read, contemplate and preach’ Lord Gauranga’s glories widely and regularly, to quickly advance in their devotional life.
dhanye kalau sampravishte, Gaura leela manorama;
prakata bhavita hy etat, vyaktam tada bhavishyati
(Urdhvamnaya Tantra)

The advent of the age of Kali is most auspicious because in the near future the most wonderful and enchanting holy Pastimes of Lord Gauranga will be most openly and widely established and broadcasted.
Sri Chaitanya Chandramrita glorifies the advent of Lord Chaitanya:
Rakso-daitya-kulam hatam kiyad idam yogadi-vartma-kriya-
Margo va prakati-kritah kiyad idam sristy adhikam va kiyat
Mediny-uddharanadikam kiyad idam premojjvalaya maha-
Bhakter vartma-karim param bhagavatas Chaitanya-murtim stumah
(Chaitanya Chandramrita,
Text 7)
What benefit did the world derive when the incarnations of the supreme Lord like Ramachandra, Nrsimha, and many others killed so many raksasa and Daityas ? What was the benefit derived when Lord kapila and other incarnations reveal the paths of sankhya and yoga ? Is it of great glory that Lord Brahma and other guna-avataras create, maintain and destroy the material universes ? How auspicious is it that Lord Varahadeva lifted and rescued the earth from the garbhodaka ocean ? We do not consider these pastimes to be so important. The most important of all things is that Lord Chaitanya has revealed the great splendour of pure ecstatic love for Himself. Let us glorify that Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Text 95-96
Heno adbhuta katha bhakti parachar
Kahiba madhya-khande nadiya vihar
Shakala bhakata meli haila yenamate
Pratyeke kahiba iha ye jani kahite

Translation –
In the Madhya Khanda, i shall describe the wonderful pastimes of how Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu preached the science of devotional service and the various pastimes He had performed in Nadiya. I shall narrate how the devotees would gather together and meet the Lord everyday. I know of these pastimes, and hence shall relate them in detail.

Text 97-98
Prathame kahiba Saci paila premadaan
Pathete yemate shune bongshira nishan
Premay bihavala haila bhabera abeshe
Achambite daivavani uthila aakashe

Translation –
First of all, i would narrate how Saci mata obtained the gift of prema (divine love).While walking on the street one day, Lord Gauranga heard the sound of Krishna’s flute. Hearing the sweet music, He became overwhelmed with ecstatic love, when suddenly a divine message reverberated in the sky.

Text 99-100
Murarike kripa kaila varaha abeshe
Brahma adi deva dekhe apana abeshe
Shuklambara brahmachari prema paila tabe
Kahiba shakala katha shuno sarvabhabe

Translation –
Revealing His form as Varaha deva, Lord Chaitanya bestowed His mercy upon Murari Gupta. Brahma along with other demigods became blissful upon seeing this wonderful pastime. Thereafter Shuklambara Brahmachari attained the love of God. I shall narrate all of these pastimes; so please hear them very attentively.

Purport –
It is on one of the nine islands of navadvipa, known as Koladvipa, that Lord Varaha had originally descended upon the earth in Satya Yuga, to kill the demon Hiranyaksha. This place is hence also known as Varaha kshetra. Lord Chaitanya later gave His darsana as Varaha deva to Murari Gupta.

Text 101-102
Pandita Gadadhara Prabhura prasade
Premay bibhor hainya dibanishi kande
Eke eke dilo sarvajane premadaan
Kahiba shakala katha yemona bidhan

Translation –
Receiving the mercy of Mahaprabhu, Sri Gadadhara pandita remained immersed in an ecstatic love of God and cried day and night. Lord Gaurahari bestowed the gift of pure love of God ,one by one, unto everyone. I shall relate all of these pastimes as per instruction.

Kavi Karnapura has mentioned in his Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika, that Radharani, the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, had appeared as Sri Gadadhara Pandita in Gaura Lila. Kavi Karnapura further adds that Lalita devi, who is also known as anuradha (as she always follows Srimati Radharani) had also entered the body of Gadadhara pandita.Thus Gadadhara Pandita was the combined incarnation of both Radharani and Lalita sakhi.Gadadhara Pandita was born of Sri Madhava Mishra and Srimati Ratnavati Devi who lived very close to the house of Jagannatha Mishra in Mayapur. According to Gaura Gannodesha dipika, Maharaja Vrishabhanu incarnated as Sri Madhava Mishra in the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya.Sri Gadadhara Pandita was a year younger to Lord Gaurahari and they were very intimate friends since their childhood.
From His very childhood, Srila Gadadhara Pandita manifested the qualities of patience, serenity and renunciation. He and Nimai pandita, when they were very young, used to play together.Both of them studied in the same tola (school).After Lord Chaitanya took His initiation from Sri Isvara Puri, and since He began manifesting His divine emotions, Sri Gadadhara pandita was His constant companion.
After Lord Chaitanya had accepted His Sannyasa, He moved over to stay at Jagannatha Puri. Sri Gadadhara accompanied the Lord to Puri as well and engaged Himself in the service of Tota Gopinatha. This enchanting deity of Tota Gopinatha was discovered by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, when He started digging the ground one day, feeling an intense separation from the Supreme Lord.Sri Gadadhara, had dedicated Himself unto the service of this deity ever since. Sri Vrindavana das Thakura mentions in Chaitanya Bhagavata, that the heart of even the most demoniac atheist would soften upon taking darsana of this mesmerizing deity of Tota Gopinatha. At the temple of Tota Gopinatha, Sri Gadadhara pandita would recite Srimad Bhagavatam everyday and Lord Chaitanya , along with His associates, would often go there to relish it.

Text 103-104
Bhaktake prasada amrabija-aropane
Ja shunile sarvajaner dvidha ghuche mane
adhyatma – acchadi prabhu prema prakashaya
Jnanagamya nahe tabhu sabare bujhaye

Translation –
Lord Gaurahari blessed all the devotees by planting a mango seed into the ground. Anyone who hears of this pastime is relieved of all his doubts.
By covering up His spiritual identity, Lord Gauranga manifested His ecstatic love of God.Though the Lord is unfathomable by one’s intellectual pursuits, yet (mercifully), He revealed Himself to everyone.

Purport –
The place where this mango pastime had taken place is situated in navadvipa (in Bengal) and the place is known as Amra ghata or Ama-ghata.One day Lord Gauranga performed sankirtana with all His devotees, and when they were all greatly fatigued, they sat down. The Lord then sowed a mango seed in the yard, and immediately the seed fructified into a tree and began to grow. As people looked on, the tree became fully grown, with fruits that fully ripened. These mango fruits were all red and yellow. They neither had skins nor seeds inside. The mangoes were just like nectar and by consuming just one of them, a person would become fully satisfied. Additionally these mangoes grew all twelve months in a year. Mahaprabhu ate these fruits and then offered them to all the devotees.

Text 105-106
Tabe to kahiba katha apurva kathan
Ye mate haila Nityananda sandarsana
Haridasa Prabhusane miloye yemane
Advaita acharya Nityanandera milane

Translation –
Then I shall narrate the wonderful pastimes of how Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu met with Lord Nityananda and Haridasa Thakura. I shall also describe the first meeting between Advaita acharya and Nityananda Prabhu.

Text 107-108
Yenamate Jagai-Madhai nistarila
Pita putre brahmanere yena kripa kaila
Shiva-era gayone kripa kaila yenamate
Achambite khed uthe brahmana charite

Translation –
I shall recite how Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu delivered Jagai and Madhai and how he bestowed His causeless mercy upon a brahmana and his son. The pastimes of how the Lord blessed the followers of Shiva who were singing Shiva’s glories and how the Lord became sad upon observing a brahmana’s misconduct shall also be narrated.

Text 109-110
Yenamate Jahnavite dila Prabhu jhap
Ja Shunile tinaloke laage Hiya-Kanp
Tabe ara aparupa shunibe bidhane
Devalaye marjana prabhu karila yemane

Translation –
(As a result) Lord Chaitanya (then) jumped into the Ganges. Anyone in the three worlds who listens to this pastime can feel his heart tremble. We shall also hear of wonderful pastimes such as the Lord cleaning the temple of Lord Jagannatha (in Puri).

Text 111-112
Shunibe anek katha – ati aparup
Kustha vyadhi nistarila, a bara koutuk
Balarama avesha katha kahiba vishesh
Ja shunile sabe pabe ananda ashesh

Translation –
You shall hear of many such wonderful pastimes such as the great miraculous pastime of the Lord curing a leper. You shall obtain unlimited bliss upon hearing the sweet pastime of Lord Gaurahari assuming the mood of Lord Balarama.

Text 113-114
Sri Chandrasekhara acharya-er barite prakash
Prema parakashe chhay e bhumi aakash
Anek rahasya katha kahiba tahate
Vairagya adbhud prabhura uthe yenamate

Translation –
The blissful pastimes of Lord Gauranga at the house of Sri Chandrasekhara acharya (the Lord’s maternal uncle), in which He manifested ecstatic love for Krishna, cast its influence over the entire land and sky. I shall describe many confidential pastimes of Lord Gauranga adopting an incredible mood of renunciation.

See also  Introduction

Purport –
Sri Chandrasekhara Acharya, or Acharya Ratna as he was sometimes referred to ,was the great second branch of Lord Chaitanya’s desire tree of devotional service.He was Lord Chaitanya’s maternal uncle, the husband of Sarvajaya, Saci Mata’s sister.He, like Jagannatha Mishra was originally a resident of Sylhet. He was one of the five devotees who had accompanied the Lord to witness His sannyasa initiation at Katwa. According to Gaura Ganoddesha dipika, Sri Chandrasekhara was the incarnation of the Moon God. Needless to say, he was an intimate associate of Mahaprabhu. Later Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura , the founder of the worldwide Gaudiya Mathas (temples), had established one of his main branches here, at the house of Chandrasekhara. He had named it as Vrajapattana, or the place where Vrindavana, the highest spiritual realm, had become manifest.Lord Chaitanya had enacted a beautiful play ,revealing the pastimes of Vrindavana, here at Chandrasekhara Bhavan, that enchanted the hearts of all the devotees.

Text 115-117
Sri Keshava Bharati dekhi nadiya nagare
Sannyasa kariba bali ullash antare
Yenamate sarva-bhaktaganera bilapa
Saci-Vishnupriya shoksagare dila jhanp
Sannyasa ashaye Navadvipa chhari jay
Sannyasa Karila Prabhu Bharati sahaya

Translation –
Seeing Sri Keshava Bharati in the town of Nadiya, Lord Gauranga felt delighted in His heart. He longed to accept the renounced order of life from Sri Keshava Bharati. Hearing of this, all the devotees began lamenting.Srimati Saci mata and Vishnupriya devi were plunged into an ocean of grief. The Lord left Navadvipa (for Katwa) in order to accept the renounced order of life, and He eventually obtained His sannyasa from Sri Keshava Bharati.

Purport –
Srila Vasudeva Ghosh reveals the devastating effects upon Saci Mata and Vishnupriya Devi, when they found out the misfortune that had struck them.‘The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal’ has translated this below composition into english for the pleasure of the devotees. –
Sudhakhhate dila Haath, vajra parila mathat
Bujhi bidhi more birambila
Karuna kariya kande , kesh besh nahi bandhe
Sacira mandira kache gelo
Sacira mandira asi , duyarer kache basi
Dhire dhire kahe Vishnupriya
Sayan mandire chhilo , Nishante Kotha gelo
Mora Munde bajar Pariya
Gauranga jagoye mane , nidra nahi dunayane
Suniya uthila Sacimata
Aluthalu Keshe jaya, basana na rahe gaye
Suniya badhura mukhe katha
Turite jaliya bati, dekhilen iti uti
Kono Thai Uddesh na paiya
Vishnupriya badhu sathe , kandiya kandiya pathe
Dake Saci Nimai baliya
Ta suni Nadiyaer Loke , Kande Ucchasvare shoke
Yare tare puchhen barta
Ek yane pathe dhay , dashjane puchhe taye
Gauranga dekhechho jete kotha?
Se bale dekhechi jete, Ara keu nahi sathe
Kanchana Nagarer pathe dhay
Vasu kahe – aha mori , amara Sri Gaurahari
Pache jani mastaka Muray

Translation –
On not finding Mahaprabhu upon the sacred bed, where He had been resting for the last night, thunderbolt struck Srimati Vishnupriya devi. She feared that her fortunes had betrayed Her.
Weeping incessantly, and not caring for Her untied hair and loosened dress,
She hurried to relate the news to Her mother in law, Saci mata.
Sitting at the doorsteps of Saci Mata’s room, Vishnupriya devi spoke with a faltering voice –
Sri Gaurasundara was present at the room last night, but she was unaware where He has left at dawn, while she laid asleep. She expressed that Her situation was akin to a lightning striking upon Her head.
On hearing these words from her daughter in law, an apprehensive Saci mata, hurriedly woke up and came out of her room with her unattended hair and dress. As a matter of fact, she was constantly meditating upon her son and could not sleep for the night.
Immediately Saci devi lit up a lamp (as it was still dark) ,and began searching for her son here and there. Not finding any clues, Saci devi , accompanying Vishnupriya, went out onto the street and cried incessantly ,calling out Nimai ! Nimai !
Hearing her loud wails and cries, the local people of Nadiya rushed to the spot. All of them now began to search for their beloved Vishwambhar. Seeing a person passing by, all of them desperately caught hold of him, and began to enquire from him whether he had seen or has any news of Lord Gauranga.
The person informed them that he had seen Vishwambhar travel all alone ,towards the city of Kantaka Nagara (Katwa). Sri Vasu Ghosh laments and fears that his beloved Lord Gaurahari is about the shave His head and accept the renounced order of life.

Text 118-119
Kahiba samyaka katha yata bibarana
Acharya prabhura ghar gela jenamana
Saba-sandarshane ara yeba haila katha
Saba prabodhiya prabhu yatra kaila tatha

Translation –
I will speak of all the various pastimes that took place when the Lord visited Sri Advaita acharya’s house. The Lord met all the devotees over there. After comforting everyone, the Lord began His travels.

Text 120-121
Purusottama dekhibare chalila yemate
Kahiba rahasyakatha gram remuna-te
Krame krame kahiba se pathera charita
Jaha shuni sarvaloka paiba pirita

Translation –
With the object of obtaining darsana of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Gauranga began His travels (towards Puri). I shall narrate the confidential pastimes that took place (on His way) in the village of Remuna.One by one, i shall recite all the pastimes that the Lord manifested on His way. Anyone who hears these transcendental pastimes, is filled with bliss and love.

Purport –
On His way to Sri Jagannatha Puri, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu along with His associates had halted at Remuna, a place which is presently located within the Balasore District of Orissa. Mahaprabhu along with all His associates offered His prostrated obeisances to Sri Gopinatha jiu, who possesses a very enchanting form. While Lord Chaitanya was offering His obeisances to the deity, the helmet of flowers that adorned the crown of Sri Gopinatha fell onto Sri Chaitanya. Receiving the blessings of Sri Gopinatha, Lord Chaitanya began singing and dancing in ecstasy. The local devotees at the temple, became amazed seeing the intense love, the beautiful form, and the transcendental qualities of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Ati aparupa leela prakashila prabhu
Chari yuge adbhut katha nahi shune kabhu
(Chaitanya Mangala , 1.94)
– Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had manifested the most wonderful incomparable pastimes, never heard before in any of the four yugas.
Lord Chaitanya rested for the day at the temple, because he longed to taste the sweet ‘Khira’ (a preparation of sweet rice) prasadam prepared over here, as He had heard a lot of glories of it from His spiritual master ,Sri Isvara Puri.This ‘Khira’ offered over here ,tastes as good as nectar,and hence it is also called Amrita-keli. Resting for the night, Lord Chaitanya began narrating the story of how Lord Gopinatha jiu had become so famous and how He had come to be known as Khirachora Gopinatha.
Lord Chaitanya began greatly glorifying Sri Madhavendra Puri, the spiritual master of Sri Isvara Puri. Here at remuna, Lord Chaitanya revealed how His spiritual grandfather, Sri Madhavendra ,was almost always intoxicated with an intense love for the Supreme.Thereafter Mahaprabhu narrated the glorious pastimes of how Lord Gopinatha had Himself taken the pain to steal khira in order to save it for His beloved Madhavendra. Since then , sri Gopinatha of Remuna had become renowned as Khirachora (one who steals Khira) Gopinatha.

Text 122-123
Jajapura jaite Prabhu ye haila rahasya
Ekamranagara katha kahiba abashya
Jagannatha sandarshana haila yenamate
Sarvabhauma prakash shunibe ekchite

Translation –
On His way to Jajapura, the Lord exhibited His wonderful pastimes at Ekamranagara. I shall definitely recite these transcendental pastimes.I shall narrate How Lord Gauranga reacted (ecstatically) on seeing Lord Jagannatha and how Lord Gauranga subsequently revealed Himself (His true identity) to Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya. Please listen to these pastimes attentively.

Text 124-125
Madhya-khanda katha bhai amritera sar
Sesh-khanda katha ache kahi shuni ara
Madhya-khanda say punthi Premar prakash
Ananda hiyay kahe e Locana das

Translation –
O brother ! The content of Madhya Khanda (of Chaitanya mangala) is the essence of all nectar. Thereafter I shall narrate Sesh Khanda (the last section). Please listen to it as well. At the end of Madhya Khanda, Lord Gauranga manifests His ecstatic love of God. With a joyful heart , Locana das narrates these transcendental subjects.

(Dhanashi Raga, Taraja chhanda)

Text 126-127
Jaya re jaya re jaya, Sri Krishna-Chaitanya
Apani avani avatara
Ahaha lokera bhagye , prithivi sohaag kare
Sripada Janhara alankara
Trijagata dvipa navadvipa-er udaya kaila
Karuna kiran parakashe
Anek dinera yata, bhakata piyash chhilo
Dhaol prema-prati-aashe

Translation –
All glories, all glories, all glories to Sri Krishna Chaitanya, who has Himself descended on this earth as an incarnation. Ah! How fortunate are the people of this world.Mother earth was blessed to be ornamented with Mahaprabhu’s divine beautiful feet.
The lamp that illuminates all the three worlds, has appeared in Navadvipa, to bestow the rays of His mercy.
Devotees who were thirsting for many days to receive the gifts of ecstatic love of God, ran towards Lord Chaitanya.

Text 128-129
Madhumoy kamala-phule, sata-pada-bhramra bule
Yena chand chakorer meli
Barishar megh dekhi, chataka phukare yena
Piu piu dake matoali
Nachoye bhabuk bhora , prema barishoye Gaura
Hunkara garjana singhanade
Adhaner dhan yena, haraiya paiya hena
Anugata aratiya kande

Translation –
Just as the eager bees fly swiftly towards a lotus full of honey, or just as the Cakora birds drink the nectar of the moon’s rays, or the Chataka birds melodiously sing ‘Piu’ ‘Piu’ gazing at the dark clouds of the rainy season, similarly all the devotees became attracted seeing Lord Gauranga dance and freely bestow the ecstatic love of God (without any consideration) .The Lord loudly roared like a lion.
Feeling like one who has recovered his long lost wealth, the devotees worshipped Lord Gauranga with their tears of happiness.

Text 130-131
Vanera hatira yeno, vana dabanale puri
Amiya sagare dila jhanp
Aichhana premera range, anga dubaila sange
Pasharila puravera taap
Vali re thakura bole, keho malsat maare
Premanande apana pashare
Je prema lakhimi mange, kara juri anurage
Abichare bilaye sabare

Translation –
Just as the forest elephants, jump into a lake, to escape from the clutches of forest fire, similarly, the devotees immersed themselves into the intoxicating ecstatic pastimes of Lord Gaurasundara, to get relief from their burning miseries.
In ecstasy someone cried out ‘Thakura’, someone else pulled up his dhoti and slapped his own arms, just as a wrestler would act in order to challenge. Being overwhelmed with an ecstatic bliss of love of God, the devotees forgot themselves. The rare love of Supreme, which even Lakshmi devi begs for with Her folded hands, was freely distributed by Lord Gauranga to one and all without any consideration.

Purport –
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the most munificent incarnation of the Supreme. His blissful enchanting form is full of transcendental ecstasy.
In the Srimad Bhagavatam , it has been foretold-
krishna-varnam tvishakrishnam sangopangastra-parshadam,yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah (11.5.32)

 In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead (Gauranga) who constantly sings the holy name of Krishna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, weapons , servants, and confidential companions. 
The land of Navadvipa, the place where Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu eternally enjoys His magnanimous pastimes, is saturated with audarya (magnanimity). He is the saviour of the fallen souls; that is why He is also known as patita pavana.
Along with His associates, Sri Chaitanya had manifested the most blissful , heart rending pastimes that have been ever witnessed in human history. In fact, some of the eternal associates of the Lord have experienced a greater degree of transcendental ecstasy being part of the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya, as compared to being part of Sri Krishna’s vrindavana pastimes.
Ati aparupa leela prakashila prabhu
Chari yuge adbhut katha nahi shune kabhu
(Chaitanya Mangala , 1.94)
– Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had manifested the most wonderful incomparable pastimes, never heard before in any of the four yugas.
Lord Gaurahari freely gives what no other incarnation of the Supreme Lord has ever given before – the ecstatic pure love of God. He does not consider one’s qualifications or background or pedigree before bestowing this supreme gift upon them, receiving which one achieves the ultimate perfection of his human life He is the essence of all the other incarnations of the Supreme – ‘Avatara sar Gaura avatara’.
Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati (incarnation of Tungavidya Gopi) writes in Chaitanya Chandramrita :
sadhayantu yatha tatha
Chaitanya charanambhoja-
bhakti-labhya-samam kutah
(Chaitanya Chandramrita,
Text 94)

See also  Vishnu-Katyayani samvada

One may try very hard and wander throughout the whole universe to seek out and achieve real knowledge, renunciation, devotion and other exalted virtues, but one will never be able to achieve these virtues to that fullest extent like those who are devoted to Lord Chaitanya’s lotus feet. 
This ecstatic love of God eludes the great demigods like Brahma, Shiva and Indra. Even Lakshmi devi, the wife of Lord Narayana, hankers to receive it. A yogi cannot achieve it , even after performing severe austerities for a thousand of years. A Jnani cannot smell it even after analysing the whole of the vedic scriptures. This ecstatic love of God is extremely rare but it can be easily achieved by the causeless mercy of Lord Gaurasundara. That is why even drunkards and sinful murderers like Jagai and Madhai had obtained it 500 years ago. By mercy of Lord Gauranga, they gave up their sinful lives and spent rest of their days serving vaishnavas and engaging themselves in ecstatic Gauranga bhajana.
Lord Gauranga’s name and His pastimes are non different from Him. So when we meditate upon Him, His name or His pastimes, we are in fact directly associating with Him. The more we do this regularly, the more we cleanse our consciousness which further helps in reviving our spontaneous faith and devotion unto Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.One who meditates and contemplates upon Mahaprabhu’s ecstatic form and His enchanting blissful pastimes ,is very quickly cleansed of all contaminations.
The Navadvipa dham mahatmya states –
‘ara eka gudha katha suna sarva jana, kali jive yogya vastu Gaura leela dhana’
Please hear the most confidential secret. The most suitable thing for the conditioned souls in this age of Kali, is the supreme treasure of Lord Gauranga’s pastimes.
In addition, staying very humble and submissive, and equipped with the remembrance of Gauranga’s blissful form and amazing pastimes, we should follow His instructions of daily chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra –
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
The word ‘Hare’ refers to the Supreme Lord’s internal energy or Srimati Radharani and the word ‘Krishna’ refers to Lord Krishna, the supreme personality of Godhead.As Lord Gauranga is non different from Sri Radha and Krishna (Sri Krishna Chaitanya ,Radha Krishna Nahe anya), the syllables ‘Hare Krishna’ is non different to Lord Gauranga.Thus Lord Gauranga is also worshipped when we chant the above Hare Krishna Mahamantra.
While chanting on the above Hare Krishna Maha mantra we should try to meditate upon Lord Gauranga’s sankirtana pastimes. Chanting the Maha Mantra gives us an opportunity to pray so that Lord Gauranga accepts us as one of His own and engages us in His sankirtana movement. By Chanting the Maha mantra, we constantly beg for Mahaprabhu’s causeless mercy.
Before we begin chanting each round of Hare Krishna mahamantra, we should beg shelter of Lord Chaitanya and the pancha tattva by chanting the following mantra –
‘Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita Gadadhara, Srivasa adi Gaura bhakta vrinda’.
Following in the footsteps of Lord Nityananda, we should constantly engage ourselves in singing the glories and pastimes of Lord Gauranga.
In Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata, it has been mentioned how Nityananda Prabhu always chants the glories and blissful pastimes of Lord Gauranga and makes all of His associates and followers do the same as well.
Nirabadhi sri Krishna Chaitanya sankirtana
Karayen karen laiya bhaktagana
(Chaitanya Bhagavata 3.5.329)
So to summarize, we should chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra daily (preferably atleast 16 rounds) by which we pray to Lord Chaitanya to engage us in His sankirtana.And at the same time we should ‘Read, Contemplate and Preach’ atleast one of Lord Gauranga’s pastimes everyday.
Srila Vasudeva Ghosh sings –
gora-guna ga-o suni
bahu punya phale so pahum milala
prema parasamani
– Please chant the glories of lord Gauranga and let me hear it with all my ears. It is after accumulating a great amount of piety that one gets to meet Lord Gaura, who is a touchstone of ecstatic spiritual love.
akhila jibera e soka sayara
nayana nimese sese
o-i prema lesa parasa na pa-ile
parana judabe kise

In the blink of an eye ,He dries up the sufferings of all fallen souls. How can a person, who has not yet received even a small fraction of the soothing love that Lord Gauranga bestows, bring fulfillment and happiness in his life ?

Text 132-133
Ki kahiba ara katha, ananta bhulila yatha
Kiba rasa premar madhuri
Sesh baliya jare, shire dhore e samsare
Se aju Nitai Nama dhore
Premarashe garagara, na chine apana para,
Sabare bujhaye ei katha
Padatala-taal-bhore, dharani talamala kare
Jini madamatta hati mata

Translation –
What more can i say of this. Even Ananta Sesha, is enchanted and mesmerized tasting the sweet mellows of ecstatic love of God. Ananta Sesh, who holds the entire world on His head (hood), has appeared as Lord Nityananda. Being intoxicated with an intense love of God,He could not differentiate between His friends and enemy. Therefore He gave love of God to everyone. His movement resembled that of a maddened elephant, and the whole earth trembled under the soles of His lotus feet.

Purport –
Sri Nityananda Prabhu is none other than Lord Balarama, the first expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who had appeared at Sri Ekachakra Dham (Birbhum, Bengal), to assist Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, manifest the most magnanimous pastimes. Narottama das Thakura sings ‘vrajendra nandana yei, saci suta haila sei, balarama haila Nitai’.Vrajendra Nandana is Lord Krishna, the master of Vraja (Vrindavana) and Saci suta means the son of mother Saci.So the same person who previously had been the darling of Vrindavana has now incarnated as Sri Chaitanya, the son of Saci mata.Similarly, the person who previously had been Lord Balarama has now appeared as Nityananda Prabhu.
Sri Nityananda Prabhu is the manifestation of the Lord’s devotion (bhakta svarupa) and without His mercy, it is not possible for one to obtain the shelter of Lord Chaitanya. Sri Nitai is our original Guru who helps us connect back with Krishna. The spiritual master ,by whose mercy we cross over this vast ocean of material existence, is actually the representative of Lord Nitai.Narottama Das Thakura sings ‘Nitai pada kamala, koti candra sushitala, je chayay jagata juray’.In other words, he reveals, that the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda is more soothing than a millions of moons, the shelter of which encapsulates the entire world.
Sri Nityananda prabhu had performed the most amazing pastimes, that cannot be completely described even with a thousand mouths. Such was His magnanimity,such was His mood, that He freely distributed the treasure of the Lord’s love ,obtaining which is rare even for demigods like Brahma, to one and all without judging one’s qualification (Brahma-ra durlabha prema sabakare yache). His uncommon unique pastimes moved even the atheists to cry tears of love.Lord Nitai was almost completely devoid of any external consciousness and remained intoxicated with an ecstatic love of God.In such a state of utter ecstasy, He would sometimes jump high up in the air or at other times roll over the ground, while continuously glorifying Lord Gauranga. Sometimes He would laugh and at other times, streams of tears would roll down His beautiful eyes.
He would hold straw between His teeth and beg whomever He saw to worship Lord Gaurahari and thereby purchase Him in return (jaare dekhe taare kohe dante trna dhori, amare kiniya loho bhaja Gaurahari). Saying thus, He would roll over the ground in ecstasy, and would appear like a golden mountain tumbling in the dust (eto boli Nityananda bhume gadi jaya, shonara parvata jeno dhulate lutaya).His uncommon nature and mesmerizing features amazed one and all.
In Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata , it has been mentioned how Nityananda Prabhu always chants the glories and blissful pastimes of Lord Gauranga and makes all of His associates and followers do the same as well.
Nirabadhi sri Krishna Chaitanya sankirtana
Karayen karen laiya bhaktagana
(Chaitanya Bhagavata 3.5.329)
Also Lord Nityananda gives a similar instruction as mentioned in Chaitanya-Charitamrita :
Chaitanya seva, chaitanya gao,
lao chaitanya nama
Chaitanye ye bhakti kare, sei mora prana
(Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya 1.29)
Nityananda Prabhu requested everyone to serve Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, chant His glories and utter His name. Nityananda Prabhu claimed that one who loves and worships Lord Chaitanya becomes His very life and soul.

Text 134-136
Ara aparupa shuno , Mahesh Advaita nama
Yara guna-gaane ageyan
Chaitanya-Thakura sane , Premarasa-alapane
Pasharila e yoga geyan
Rasika sangira sange, premvilasa-yi range
Sabare bujhaye avirodhe
A dui thakura bahi, Dayara Thakura nahi
Ya lagi udaya Gorachande
Jaya Jaya Mangala pore, sarvajane Hari bale
Sabe kare Prema prati aash
Brahmara durlabha Prema, sabe abhilashi iha
Hashi kahe e Locana das

Translation –
Please listen to this wonderful pastime. Lord Shiva, whose glories are unlimited, appeared in this world as Sri Advaita acharya.Discussing the transcendental subjects of ecstatic love of God, along with Lord Chaitanya, Sri Advaita completely forgot the dry path of mental speculation (Jnana). Relishing the sweet nectar of divine mellows along with other Rasika vaishnavas (who had also tasted the same), Sri Advaita and His associates distributed this treasure of love of God unto everyone without any restriction. Without these two lords (Nityananda and Advaita acharya) nobody would have received such causeless mercy. Lord Gauranga had appeared for this purpose (to bestow mercy).
All glories to the auspicious moment when everyone would chant the holy names of Lord Hari, aspiring to achieve the ecstatic love of God. Everyone will yearn to attain this ecstatic love which is rare for even Lord Brahma. Smiling happily, Locana das narrates these transcendental topics.

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